Export a data change message

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Available with Standard or Advanced license.

For replicas in a disconnected environment, synchronization requires that the message exchange be performed manually. This is achieved by exporting a message from one replica to a file; transporting the file on media, such as on a DVD or by other means;, and importing the file to the relative replica.

Use the Export Data Change Message geoprocessing tool to export all new data changes (inserts, updates, and deletes applied to the replica version since the last data change message was exported) and all unacknowledged data changes (previously exported changes for which you have not received an acknowledgment).

You can include new data changes, unacknowledged data changes, or both. By default, both are included.

If you are using a two-way replica, you can also switch the replica from sender to receiver on export. If you switch, a flag is added to the delta file that causes the relative replica to switch from receiver to sender on import.

To export a data change message, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Export Data Change Message tool from one of the following:
    • In the Manage Replicas pane, use either the Replica card or Manage Replicas Menu Menu and click the Export Data Change Message button Export Data Changes Message.
    • In the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase that contains the data changes to export, point to Distributed Geodatabase, and click Export Data Change Message Export Data Changes Message.

    The Export Data Change Message tool supports both local and remote geodatabases.

    Accessing the Export Data Change Message tool automatically populates the Export from Replica Geodatabase parameter based on the current workspace.

  2. Specify a name and type for the Output Data Changes File parameter value to be created.

    This parameter creates an output delta file that can be a file geodatabase (.gdb) or an XML format file (.xml). When specifying the output delta file, you must include the appropriate suffix (.gdb or .xml).

  3. For the Replica parameter, specify the replica from which the data changes will be exported.

    Only replicas with a status of Data Sender will be available from the drop-down list.

  4. Depending on your replica type, there are three possible active parameters when creating the output delta file for use while synchronizing a replica while disconnected:
    • Switch to Receiver once the message has been exported

      This option is only available for two-way replicas and allows you to switch to being a receiver once the message has been exported. Checking this parameter changes the role of the relative replica to that of sender when the message is imported.

    • Include unacknowledged data changes
    • Include new data changes since last export

    Using different combinations of the last parameters provides additional potential options:
    • Include all unacknowledged data changes and new data changes since the last export .
    • Include unacknowledged data changes .
    • Don't include any data change messages—This option is useful for sending a message to switch roles without sending any data.

  5. Note:
    See the Export Data Change Message tool documentation for details regarding these parameters and options when exporting data change messages.