Edit Indoors categories

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Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

Category properties are set when you create or copy a category, but you can change them. You can edit properties by right-clicking a category.

You can modify properties one category at a time.

Categories can be edited for feature layers, web feature layers, and map image layers. To update categories in a published web map, use one of the following options when you share your web map: Reference registered data: Exploratory, Reference registered data: Editable, Copy all data: Exploratory, or Copy all data: Editable.


You cannot edit properties for a category with a broken layer link. Repair the layer reference to modify these properties.

Edit the filter expression

You can add, remove, or alter the existing filter expression set for a category in the Edit Category Expression pane. A category with no expression returns all records from the source layer.


Use a simple expression to define the features to include in the category, such as USE_TYPE = 'ENTRYWAY'.

Define the categories using the same fields for all of the categories that are to be grouped. For example, if you're defining categories for the Places + Things category group, all categories would refer to the same field (such as USE_TYPE) in their expression.

  1. Right-click the category you want to edit and click Edit Expression.
  2. Create or edit an expression using one of the following modes.
    • Clause mode—Create queries using drop-down menus in an SQL query builder.
    • SQL mode—If you are familiar with SQL expressions, create a new expression in the SQL editor with syntax help and automatic completion.
    • Add expression—Load a predefined query from a query expression file (.exp) and modify it in the clause or SQL mode as needed.
  3. Click Verify to ensure your expression is valid before applying changes.

    To discard changes, click Back.

  4. Click Apply.

    ArcGIS Indoors supports the use of tokens for substitution in query expression.

    Learn more about filtering a subset of features

Edit field mapping

You can modify the existing field mapping or map additional fields in the Edit Category Field Mappings pane to describe the fields in the layer expected by the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model.

  1. Right-click the category you want to edit and click Edit Field Mappings.
  2. Change the existing mapping or add a new field mapping.
  3. Optionally, map the additional properties to define a subtitle field and display field for use in Indoor Viewer.

    Display field mapping is only available for web feature layers and map image layers. For stand-alone layers, set the display field in the layer properties.

  4. Optionally, complete the field mapping for work order integration.

    To discard changes, click Back.

  5. Click Apply.

If you are missing a required field mapping, a warning message appears and prevents you from applying the changes.

Edit search fields

Search fields are required to support the search experience in the Indoors web and mobile apps. Search keywords are matched to these fields. You can modify previously selected fields or choose additional fields as your default search field, but a minimum of one field is required to support the search capability.

  1. Right-click the category you want to edit and click Edit Search Fields.
  2. Choose new fields or modify previously chosen search fields.

    Only text fields are supported by the Indoors search. Certain fields such as ObjectID, GlobalID, or fields that are not supported are restricted from use and aren’t available.


    To discard changes, click Back.

  3. Click Apply.

If a minimum of one field is not selected, a warning message appears and prevents you from applying changes.

Edit suggestion templates

The suggestion template supports the Indoors search capability by providing a list of matching results as you type the search keyword. You can modify the template expression previously set for a category.

  1. Right-click the category you want to edit and click Edit Suggestion Template.
  2. To add a new field to the existing expression, click the Available Fields drop-down arrow and choose a field.

    Only text fields are supported by the Indoors search suggestion. Certain fields such as ObjectID, GlobalID, or fields that are not supported are restricted from use and aren’t available.

    A minimum of one field is required to support the Indoors search suggestion capability. Adding a new field appends it to the existing template.

  3. Click Add to Template.
  4. Click the template to edit the expression.
    • The template is also an expression editor where you can add or delete fields manually. Be sure to follow the correct syntax when adding or editing the expression. The inclusion of spaces or text to form an expression is supported.
    • To discard changes, click Back.
  5. Click Apply.

If the expression is missing or invalid, a warning message appears and prevents you from applying the changes.

Edit icons

Icons are symbols for categories and category groups that are displayed in the Explore view and in other areas of the Indoors web and mobile apps. You can modify the icons previously set for a category or group.

  1. Right-click the category or group you want to edit and click Edit Icons.
  2. Do one of the following to replace an icon symbol:
    1. Click Load from File.
      This allows you to load a PNG icon from your computer.

      Ensure the image size is appropriate for the resolution.

    2. Click Load from Style.
      This loads an ArcGIS Pro icon and an ArcGIS Pro gallery appears containing imported styles (.stylx file) and default symbols. Once you choose a symbol, it automatically scales to the required resolution.

      Keep the following in mind when editing an icon:

      • The Indoors product data includes preconfigured default symbols from ArcGIS Pro as a style file. If the default symbols don’t meet your requirements, you can modify the existing set of symbols or create your own.
      • When setting up a symbol, check the Scale Proportionally check box in the symbol properties to enable the symbol to resize and scale correctly when applied as a category icon.

      It is important that there is consistency between the category icon and the symbol used for the category source layer in the map. Discrepancies can cause a disconnected experience between categories in the Explore panel of an app and how the features appear on the map.


      To discard changes, click Back.

  3. Click Apply.

If an icon is missing or invalid, a warning message appears and prevents you from applying the changes.