Update the indoor network

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Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

You may need to update your indoor network dataset when your data changes due to the following circumstances:

  • A new facility is added to a site.
  • One or more levels are added to a facility.
  • One or more levels are remodeled.

To update your indoor network dataset, follow the same process as when you created it, but only on the updated features.

Update pathways

You can run the Generate Indoor Pathways tool on a subset of facilities or levels as defined by the Input Level Features parameter. When the Generate Indoors Pathways tool is run on a populated Indoors workspace, the tool deletes any pathway features with FACILITY_ID and LEVEL_ID values matching the Input Level Features and generates new features for the selected areas.

  1. Use the Select Layer By Attribute tool to choose the floor footprint features for areas you want to update.

    In the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model, the floor footprint features are in the Levels feature class.


    If there aren't any level features selected in the layer passed to Input Level Features parameter, the Generate Indoor Pathways tool updates pathways for all levels in the layer.

  2. For the remodeled levels, use the same Lattice Density value as when the level was originally processed.

    This helps keep existing floor transition features connected to updated PrelimPathways features.

  3. Run the Generate Indoor Pathways tool.

    The pathway features are updated for the selected levels.

Update floor transitions

You can run the Generate Floor Transitions geoprocessing tool on a populated indoor dataset and indoor network dataset or Indoors geodatabase to add transitions for new facilities, add transitions for new levels in existing facilities, or update transitions for remodeled levels.

For any update scenario, if you check the Delete Existing Transitions check box, the Generate Floor Transitions tool deletes transition features that spatially intersect transition units in the input layer and re-creates them for the entire facility. If you do not delete existing transitions, the tool creates transitions for the specified transition units, leaving existing transitions intact.

Depending on the type of updates to the facility, there are different workflows for updating transitions. Regardless of which you choose, the updates are made to the PrelimTransitions feature class. The Thin Indoor Pathways tool deletes existing features in the Transitions feature class, replacing them with updated features from the PrelimTransitions feature class. If any attribute updates have been made to transition features, apply them to the PrelimTransitions feature class during the update process.

Generate transitions for a new facility

To update a site with a new facility, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that features in the PrelimPathways feature class are generated for the new facility.
  2. Use Select by Attribute or Select by Location to select the new facility feature in the Facilities layer.
  3. In the Generate Floor Transitions tool, use expressions as necessary to filter which space types to process for the new transitions.
  4. Optionally, enter a delay value to add elevator wait time.
  5. Uncheck the Delete Existing Transitions check box.
  6. Run the Generate Floor Transitions tool.

    Transitions features are added to the PrelimTransitions feature class.

  7. Reshape stairway features.

Generate transitions for an existing facility with new or remodeled levels

For remodeled levels that have elevators and stairways in the same locations, the floor transition features may not need to be updated. After the Generate Indoor Pathways tool updates PrelimPathway features, ensure that the PrelimTransitions start and end vertices are within 4 meters of a vertex. The Thin Indoor Pathways tool automatically connects to features within this tolerance. If the transitions still need to be updated, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that features in the PrelimPathways feature class are updated for the new or remodeled level.
  2. Use Select by Attribute or Select by Location to select the facility feature that needs to be updated in the Facilities layer.
  3. In the Generate Floor Transitions tool, use expressions as necessary to filter which space types to process for the new transitions.
  4. Optionally, enter a delay value to add elevator wait time.

    Existing delay values will be updated to reflect the new elevator wait time for all selected facilities if a wait time is provided.

  5. Check the Delete Existing Transitions check box.
  6. Run the Generate Floor Transitions tool.

    The existing features in the PrelimTransitions feature class are deleted for the specified transition unit and recreated for the entire facility.

  7. Reshape stairway features.

Generate transition features manually for a new floor

When you add a level to a facility, rather than generating new transitions for the entire facility, you can manually duplicate existing features using the Duplicate Vertical tool. This workflow is applicable if an elevator shaft or stairwell is extended up or down.

  1. Run the Generate Floor Transitions tool to create vertical line transitions for only elevators.
  2. Click the Edit tab.
  3. Click the Select button Select By Rectangle.
  4. Select the transition feature adjacent to the floor that you want to duplicate.
  5. Click the Modify button Modify Features.

    The Modify Features pane appears.

  6. Click Duplicate Vertical Duplicate Vertical and use the tool to create stairwells for additional levels:
    1. In the Vertical Offset text box, type the relative height of the floor.
    2. In the Number of times to be duplicated text box, type the number of levels to which the stairwell extends.

      If the height of your facility's floors is not consistent, you may need to run the Duplicate Vertical tool multiple times with different offset values.

    3. Verify that the start and end vertices are snapped to vertex intersections on the features in the PrelimPathways feature class, and verify their z-values.
    4. Click the Duplicate button.
    5. In the attribute table, update the From Height, To Height, From Level Name, To Level Name, From Vertical Order, and To Vertical Order fields for each stairway that was added.
  7. Repeat these steps as needed until all required transition features are created in the PrelimTransitions feature class.
  8. Run the Calculate Geometry Attributes tool with the Geometry Property parameter set to Length (3D) to calculate the Length (3D) attribute for correct travel time.

Thin updated pathways

You can run the Thin Indoor Pathways tool on a subset of levels from a populated indoor dataset or Indoors geodatabase by applying a definition query or selection to the Levels layer before you run the tool.

When the Thin Indoor Pathways tool is run on a populated indoor dataset or Indoors geodatabase, the following occurs:

  • Any existing pathways features in the Target Pathways with FACILITY_ID and LEVEL_ID values that match the areas to be processed are deleted. Updated features from the Input Pathway Features are then appended to the Target Pathways.
  • Any existing transitions in the Target Transitions with FACILITY_ID values that match the areas to be processed are deleted. Updated features from the Input Transitions Features are then appended to the Target Transitions.

Follow these steps to thin updated pathways:

  1. Ensure that the points and polygons that are used as routable locations are updated for new areas.
  2. Delete the network dataset (Network_ND) from the IndoorNetwork dataset.

    If you are using an Indoors geodatabase, delete the network dataset (Network_ND) from the Network dataset.

  3. Run the Thin Indoor Pathways tool on the levels that contain updated areas. Use updated point and polygon locations for routable locations.

Update landmarks

If features that are used for routing have moved, or if there are new features you want to use for routing, you must update the Landmarks feature class by completing the following:

  1. Delete invalid features from the Landmarks feature class.
  2. Create landmark point features in a new feature class.

    You will append them in the next step.

  3. Use the Append tool to load the new landmark points into the current Landmarks feature class.

Classify updated pathways

You can run the Classify Indoor Pathways tool on a populated indoor dataset or Indoors geodatabase to update pathway ranks for remodeled levels or facilities.

The Target Pathways parameter should contain updated thinned pathway features for the remodeled level or facility. You can run the tool on one or more levels across any number of facilities.

  1. Ensure that the thinned pathways are updated for the remodeled level or facility.
  2. Delete the network dataset (Network_ND) from the input geodatabase.
  3. In the Classify Indoor Pathways tool, use a definition query or make a selection to filter classification to specific spaces.
  4. Run the Classify Indoor Pathways tool.

    The pathway classification for the updated level or facility is updated.

  5. Create and build the network dataset.