Create a feature class to store routes

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Complete the following steps to create a stand-alone feature class to store routes in a geodatabase.

  1. In the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase in which you want to create a feature class.
  2. Point to New > Feature Class.

    This opens the Create Feature Class wizard.

  3. On the Define page of the wizard, type a name for the feature class in the Name text box. To create an alias for this feature class, type one in the Alias text box.
  4. Choose Line from the Feature Class Type drop-down list.
  5. Check the M Values box under Geometric Properties. Leave Z Values unchecked.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Fields page of the wizard, you can add a Route ID field to the feature class. To add a field to the feature class, click the final row where it says Click here to add a new field.

    A new row will be added to the list of fields.

  8. In the Field Name column, type a new field name, for example, Route_ID.
  9. Click the drop-down menu in the Data Type column and choose a data type for the new field.

    The Data Type setting for the route identifier field can be set to any numeric, text, or guid field in your route feature class.

  10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 until all the feature class fields have been defined.
  11. Click Next.
  12. On the Spatial Reference page, browse to the spatial reference you want to use, or click Import and browse to the feature class or feature dataset whose spatial reference you want to use as a template.

    If adding a feature class to an existing feature dataset, the Spatial Reference page will be read-only as the spatial reference is automatically inherited from the feature dataset.

  13. Click Next.
  14. On the Tolerance page, enter an x,y tolerance or accept the default value. If the feature class will have measures, enter the m-tolerance or accept the default.

    The default tolerance is 1 mm on the earth's surface at the point of projection.

  15. If the feature class will have z-values, enter the z-tolerance or accept the default.
  16. Click Next.

    On the Resolution page, by default, the Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box is checked.

  17. The default resolution and extents are sufficient in most situations, but if you know that your data needs these properties changed, uncheck the Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box and edit the x,y, z, or m resolution values as well as the minimum and maximum values for the z and m-domain extents.

    Learn more about the properties of a spatial reference.

  18. Click Next.
  19. On the Storage Configuration page, customize how the feature class will be stored. If you want to specify a storage configuration for the new feature class, click Use Configuration Keyword and choose the appropriate configuration keyword from the drop-down menu.

    Learn more about configuration keywords.

  20. Click Finish to create the feature class. If at any point you want to discard your changes and not create a feature class, click the close button at the top of the dialog box and close the Create Feature Class wizard.

To learn about defining the measure properties of a route feature class, see Defining the measure properties of your m-coordinates.