Store a network diagram

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When a user creates a new network diagram, by default a temporary diagram is created that will be systematically discarded when the last diagram map that references it is closed. Storing a diagram allows users to permanently persist a temporary diagram in the database so it can be reopened at another time for viewing, editing, and updating.

While storing the diagram, you can also specify the access rights for the other users—for example, prevent any other users from editing or updating your diagram, or even viewing your diagram—and add tags that could help when searching for the diagram later.

You can store a network diagram using the Store command in the Manage group on the Network Diagram tab of the ribbon or by running the Store Diagram geoprocessing tool.


To avoid unnecessarily increasing the database size and making future processes such as dataset copy, database upgrade, or migration take longer, diagrams should only be stored when necessary. Good candidates for storage are diagrams with a refined layout that you do not want to lose or diagrams you want to share with others.

Requirements and prerequisites

The requirements and prerequisites when storing a network diagram are as follows:

  • This operation applies to a network diagram layer that is from either a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase, or a network diagram service. When working with a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase, the input network diagram layer must be from a service.
  • Since this operation is transactional, edits must be saved before it is run.
  • The diagram you are working on must be temporary.
  • The diagram must be consistent. If it is not, you must update the diagram before it is stored.
  • The dynamic diagram mode must be disabled. If it is not, click Dynamic Dynamic On/Off in the Manage group of the Network Diagram tab.
  • The template on which the diagram is based must enable diagram storage.

Store network diagrams

To store a network diagram, complete the following steps:

  1. Click any map view that references the desired diagram layer. If the map view is not related to a diagram map or is related to a diagram map that references several network diagrams, click the desired network diagram layer in the Contents pane.
  2. Click the Network Diagram tab and click Store Store Diagram in the Manage group.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears and loads the Store Diagram geoprocessing tool.


    The Store Diagram command is not available for diagrams that are already stored; it applies only to temporary diagrams. It is also disabled when the dynamic diagram mode is enabled.

    The diagram storage capability may also be locked at the diagram template, causing the command to be unavailable for the active temporary diagram.

  3. Fill out the Store Diagram parameters as explained in the steps below:
    1. Type a name for the diagram in the Network Diagram Name text box.

      This parameter is required.


      Underscore (_), hyphen (-), space ( ), open parenthesis ((), and close parenthesis ()) are the only special characters allowed in diagram names.

    2. Click the Network Diagram Access Rights drop-down list and select the access right level you want to set for this diagram.

      • Choose Public if you want everyone to have full access to the diagram; that is, anyone can see, edit, update, and overwrite the diagram. However, no one except you and the network owner will have rights to change its properties using the Alter Diagram Properties tool. This is the default access right level.
      • Choose Protected if you want other users to have basic access to the diagram without any rights to modify its content; that is, anyone can view and read the diagram content, but can't edit, update, or overwrite the diagram.
      • Choose Private if you want other users to have no access to the diagram; that is, they can't see it. In this case, the corresponding diagram item is hidden for any other users in the Find Diagrams pane.


      When working with a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase, you can store diagrams with the Public access right level even when you are not connected to any ArcGIS Enterprise portal. However, you can't store diagrams with the Protected or Private access right level without being connected.

  4. In the Tags (optional) text box, add any words or expression you want that could help retrieve the diagrams later.

    You can specify several tags, with each one preceded by the # character, for example, #Distribution#Feeder015X89#Naperville North.

  5. Click Run.

The diagram is stored in the database. The diagram layer and the active map in which it is referenced are both renamed to reflect the new diagram name.

You can reopen any diagrams you store using the Find Diagrams pane.


If you want to edit tags or change the access right level for your stored diagrams, you can run the Alter Diagram Properties tool.

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