Build parcels from CAD lines

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The Build parcels from CAD lines workflow is a record-driven workflow that copies CAD lines as parcel lines into the parcel fabric and builds parcels.

To build parcels from CAD lines, follow these steps:

  1. Create a parcel record for the submission of the CAD file.

    The parcel record will be set as active in the map. New parcel features created from CAD lines will be associated with the active record.

  2. If necessary, use the Locate pane to search for and locate the area where the parcels will be created.
  3. Click Add Data Add Data in the Layer group on the Map tab, and browse to and add the CAD polyline layers to the map.
  4. If necessary, transform the CAD lines to place them in the correct geographic location.
    The Transform CAD Layer add-in provides expanded functionality for the spatial placement of CAD datasets that are in modified projections.
  5. Use the Select tool Active Select in the Selection group on the Parcel Record Workflows tab to select CAD polylines that define parcel boundaries.
    To select all the lines in a layer, right-click the layer in the Contents pane, point to Selection, and click Select All.

    To select the lines from more than one CAD polyline layer, hold down the Shift key and select the layers in the Contents pane.

  6. Click Copy Lines To Copy Lines To in the Construct group on the Parcel Record Workflows tab to open the Copy Lines To dialog box.
  7. Choose a parcel type to which to add the copied lines. Leave Show only active record checked to show only parcel features that are part of the active parcel record.

    Turning off the display of parcel features that are not part of the active record is useful when editing and modifying lines to construct new parcels.

  8. Click OK to copy the lines to the active record.

    The copied lines will be added as new lines to the parcel line feature class of the parcel type. Parcel seeds will be automatically generated for closed loops of lines.

    Parcel seeds
    Parcel seeds are automatically created for closed line loops when using the Copy Lines To tool.

  9. Evaluate copied lines for data quality and fix any errors.

    See the Evaluate copied lines and fix errors section below.

  10. If necessary, turn on a ground to grid correction for the current map.
    In the next steps, you will split polylines into two-point COGO lines and generate COGO dimensions for COGO attributes. The computed COGO dimensions will be rotated and scaled by the specified ground to grid correction.
  11. If your copied lines are not selected, select them and click Split Into COGO Lines Split Into COGO Lines in the Tools gallery under COGO on the Quality tab.

    The Split Into COGO Lines tool creates two-point lines and curves by splitting polylines at each vertex. Because parcel lines are COGO-enabled, COGO dimensions are generated from the two-point lines and populated in the line's COGO attributes.

  12. Select the split parcel lines and click Planarize Planarize in the Tools gallery under Divide on the Quality tab.

    The Planarize tool splits lines at intersections and removes coincident lines. If lines are split, COGO distances generated from the previous step are proportioned to match the split geometries. The COGO directions remain unchanged.

  13. Build parcels from the copied and cleaned lines. Click Build Active Build Parcels In The Active Record in the Construct group on the Parcel Record Workflows tab to build parcels from parcel lines in the active record.
  14. Add attributes to the built parcels.
    You can use the Sequential Numbering tool Sequential Numbering in the Tools gallery under Attributes on the Parcel Record Workflows tab to add sequential attributes to parcels.
  15. If necessary, use alignment tools to align the parcels with existing parcels.
  16. Optionally, use the Reconstruct Boundaries tool to create missing parcel boundaries and update inconsistent dimension labeling.

Evaluate copied lines and fix errors

The workflow below describes the steps for finding and fixing data quality errors in copied CAD lines:

  1. Use configured data quality layers to find lines that are too short or have too many vertices.

    On the Quality tab, click the Parcel Layers button Add Parcel Layer in the Evaluation group to add the Line Vertices and Too Short layers (under Parcel Lines) to the map. Both layers should be added for the parcel type to which you copied your CAD lines.

  2. Fix short lines and remove redundant vertices.
  3. Find and delete erroneous seeds.

    Parcel seeds are created for every loop of lines detected. Some loops of lines could define sliver and gap parcels. Delete or edit these lines to remove the sliver or gap loop.

  4. Find valid loops of lines with missing parcel seeds.

    Seeds are not created for loops of lines if there are any gaps between the start and endpoints of lines. These can be tiny gaps that are only visible when zoomed in close to the line endpoints. Use the Extend or Trim tool to extend lines and remove gaps. You can also delete all the lines in the loop and use the Traverse or Two-Point Line tool to create lines.

    Click Create Seeds Create Parcel Seeds in the Construct group on the Parcel Record Workflows tab to generate any missing parcel seeds.

You can turn off or remove configured parcel fabric quality layers after data quality edits are complete.