Table to Table Attribute

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Available with ArcGIS Pro Standard and Data Reviewer licenses.


The Table to Table Attribute check finds features or rows that contain attribute values that meet a relationship you define and compares them to values in another feature class or stand-alone table. This can include comparing string values that match or do not match, numeric values that are greater than or less than those in a related field, and dates that are not equal.

Supported workflows

ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks support multiple methods for implementing automated review of data. The following table identifies the supported implementation methods for this check:


Reviewer batch job

Attribute (validation) rule




(ArcGIS Pro 2.7 and ArcGIS Enterprise10.9 or later)


The Table to Table Attribute check identifies attribute values that meet a relationship you define and compare them to values in another data source. This can include a comparison of values stored in a feature class to those stored in a stand-alone table, values stored in a feature class to those stored in another feature class, or values stored in a stand-alone table to those stored in another stand-alone table. Features or rows from the input data source are returned as errors when attribute values match the defined relationship.

Industry scenarios

This check can be used in the following scenarios:

  • In address management, the names of road centerline features should match those stored in a master street index, such as the Master Road Name table.
  • In tax parcel management, the legal start date of a parcel feature should match the legal date a plan or record of survey was recorded.





The subtype to which the rule is applied.




A query that identifies the features to which the rule is applied.


Features/Rows to Compare


Input features or rows are returned as errors based on their relationship to the features or rows from this data source.

Valid inputs are point, polyline, polygon, and stand-alone table data sources.


Attribute Relationship


The attribute value comparison between features or rows from the input data source and the data source of the Features/Rows to Compare parameter.


Invert Relationship


After the relationship is evaluated, this option determines whether the result should be used as is or inverted. For example, this option can be used to identify attribute values that do not match values from the data source of the Features/Rows to Compare parameter.

  • Unchecked—The result of the validation is not inverted. This is the default.
  • Checked—The result of the validation is inverted.




A unique name for the rule.

This information is used to support data quality requirement traceability, automated reporting, and corrective workflows.




A description you define of the error when a noncompliant feature is found.

This information is used to provide guidance to facilitate corrective workflows.




The severity of the error assigned when a noncompliant feature is found.

This value indicates the importance of the error relative to other errors. Values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.




The tag property of the rule.

This information is used in rule authoring and management workflows to support traceability and reporting of data quality requirements.



Keep the following in mind when using the check:

  • Comparisons defined in the Attribute Relationship parameter that include only the is not equal to operator must use the Invert Relationship parameter and the is equal to operator instead. For example, use the following configuration to identify attribute values in the input data source that do not exist in the data source of the Features/Rows to Compare parameter:


    Attribute Relationship

    <Input.FieldToCompare> is equal to <Features/RowsToCompare.FieldToCompare>

    Invert Relationship


  • This check supports the comparison of values stored in text, numeric, and date field types. It also supports the comparison of values in text fields with those stored in globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) and Global ID field types, or the ObjectID field.
  • The Validation Status attribute values of both the input features and the data sources included in the Features/Rows to Compare parameter are ignored during evaluation. For example, input features with a validation status of 0 (No calculation required, no validation required, no error), 1 (No calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)),4 (Calculation required, no validation required, no error), or 5 (Calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)) are still included during rule evaluation.
  • Data sources for the Features/Rows to Compare parameter must include a global ID field.
  • Include the data source for the Features/Rows to Compare parameter when creating map or project packages, and sharing web layers with the Validation capability enabled.
  • The Attribute filter parameter is limited to comparison (=, <>, >, <, >=, <=) and logical (AND/OR, IN/NOT IN, LIKE/NOT LIKE, IS NULL) operators.

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