Add a predefined multipatch shape

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The Cube tool Multipatch Cube and similar construction tools comprise a collection of tools that create basic multipatch shapes from which you can develop your own 3D feature. They are available in the Create Features pane with feature templates for multipatch and 3D Object features layers.

When using a predefined 3D shape to build a new 3D feature, consider the following:

  • You can specify the size, rotation, position of the feature before adding it to a scene.
  • To edit a predefined 3D feature, use the Edit Vertices tool.
  • To add a 3D model file from your file system, use the Model File tool.

  1. Add your data and configure settings for editing.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Create Create Features.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  3. Click a multipatch or 3D Object feature template in the Create Features pane.

    To find a feature template containing a specific word or phrase, click the Search box Find and enter your search criteria. Search is not case-sensitive.

  4. Click one of the following construction tools and click Active Template Forward on the tool palette.


    Cone Multipatch Cone

    Tapered cone

    Cube Multipatch Cube


    Cylinder Multipatch Cylinder

    Straight cylinder

    Diamond Multipatch Diamond

    Octahedron with eight triangular faces

    Hexagon Multipatch Hexagon

    Hexagonal prism

    Sphere Multipatch Sphere


    Sphere Frame Multipatch Sphere Frame

    Sphere consisting of 10 equally spaced spherical wedge surfaces and 10 spherical wedge surface gaps

    Tetrahedron Multipatch Tetrahedron

    Tetrahedron with four triangular faces

    The Active Template view appears with parameter controls and a preview of the feature in the model viewer.

  5. Click Full Extent Full Extent on the model viewer toolbar to preview the entire feature.
    Model viewer toolbar
  6. Expand the Size, Rotation, and Position parameter sections and enter the applicable values. As you change these values, the model preview updates in the model viewer.

    To restore settings to the values saved with the feature template, click Reset

    The units for size and position are defined by the coordinate system assigned to the scene. For example, if your scene is set to a coordinate system with units in U.S. survey feet, and your multipatch layer data source is in meters, the units in the pane are in U.S. survey feet.

    The parameter settings are described in the following table:


    The feature height (Z), width (X), and depth (Y).

    To scale the feature proportionately, click the vertical control bracket that connects the height, width and depth settings.

    Size, Rotation, and Position parameters


    The feature angle, tilt, and roll in 3D space.


    The insertion point of the feature along its x-, y-, and z-axis.

    Click 3D Axes 3D Axes on the model viewer toolbar and show the 3D axes symbol. The 3D axes symbol appears at the insertion point position.

  7. Click the scene to add the 3D feature.
  8. Press the Esc key to exit the tool.

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