Create parcel seed features

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In the Create Features pane, the Parcel Seed tool Create Parcel Seeds creates parcel seed polygon features for the active parcel record and associated parcel line boundary features that are not retired as historic. It is available with parcel polygon feature templates.

Parcel seed features are placed inside closed parcel polyline features. They are built into parcels when you run Build Active Build Parcels In The Active Record. If you create a seed feature that should not be built into a parcel, you can delete the parcel seed at any time before running the build function.

To learn more about building parcels, see Build parcels from lines.

  1. If the current map does not contain the parcel fabric to which you want to add the parcel seed feature, add it.

    Editing parcel layers without adding the entire parcel fabric controller dataset to your map can corrupt the parcel fabric.

    1. On the View tab, click Catalog Pane Catalog Pane, and expand Databases Databases.
    2. Expand the database containing your parcel fabric data.

      To learn how to create a parcel fabric, see Create a parcel fabric.

    3. Right-click the parcel fabric Parcel Fabric and click Add To Current Map Add To Current Map or drag it onto the map.

      All associated layers are added to the map automatically and feature templates with default settings are autogenerated.

    To learn more about parcel feature types, see Add parcel types.

  2. Set the active parcel record to which you want to associate the parcel seed feature.
    1. On the Parcel tab, in the Records group, click the Create Record drop-down arrow New Record and click Manage Manage Records.
    2. In the Manage Records pane, set the active record or create a new record.

      The active record appears in the notification banner at the top of the pane and in the map in the heads-up-display (HUD) box.

      Active record display

    To learn more, see Assign parcel fabric records.

  3. On the Edit tab, set your snapping preferences and open the Create Features pane.
    1. In the Snapping group, enable your snapping preferences.

      You can press and hold Spacebar to temporarily turn snapping off as you sketch a feature.

    2. In the Features group, click Create Create Features.
    3. Find the parcel feature templates for layers with data sources directed at the parcel line and polygon feature classes to which you want to add parcel seeds.

      For example, Tax Polygon feature class and Tax_Lines Line feature class are shown below:

      Parcel feature type

  4. If the map doesn't contain a closed parcel polyline feature in which to place the parcel seed feature, create it.
    1. In the Create Features pane, click the feature template for the corresponding parcel polyline feature layer.
    2. Click Two-Point Line 2-Point Line.
    3. Create a closed polyline loop, ensuring that the last segment terminates at the first vertex of the first segment.

    Parcel line feature

  5. Create the parcel seed feature inside the boundary of a closed parcel polyline feature.
    1. In the Create Features pane, click the feature template for the corresponding parcel polyline feature layer, and click Parcel Seed Create Parcel Seeds.
    2. Click inside the closed parcel polyline feature for the active parcel record.

    The parcel seed feature is created as a collapsed polygon.

    Parcel seed feature

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