Create point features along a line

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The Points Along Line tool Points Along a Line creates point features at specified intervals along a selected polyline feature. This tool is available in the Create Features pane with feature templates for point feature layers.

When you use this tool, consider the following:

  • You can specify the number of features or the distance between the features.
  • Z-aware point features are assigned z-values based on your current elevation settings.
  • This tool is not available with multipoint feature layers.

Specify the number features

The Number of Points tab Number of Points creates a specified number of point features evenly spaced along a selected polyline feature. The tool calculates the distance between each feature. Creating point features at either end of the selected feature is optional.

  1. Add your data and configure settings for editing.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Create Create Features.
  3. In the Create Features pane, click a point feature template.

    To override default attribute values, click the Active template button Forward and click the corresponding tab.

  4. Click the Points Along Line tool Points Along a Line.

    By default, the selection tool becomes active with the currently enabled selection method.

  5. Select a polyline feature.

    The feature highlights in the map with arrows indicating its from-to direction.

    To change the selection, click the map and drag the pointer across another feature. If you select more than one feature, click Unselect Clear Selected in the pane selection view for each unwanted feature.

  6. Click the Number of Points tab Number of Points.

    The length of the selected feature appears in the pane. To change the units, click the unit drop-down arrow.

  7. In the Additional Points section, check or uncheck the following optional settings to create point features at the start or the end of the feature.
    At start of line

    Create a point feature at the start of the line feature.

    At end of line

    Create a point feature at the end of the line feature.

    Optional additional points
  8. In the Number of Points box, type the number of evenly spaced point features you want to create.

    The tool calculates the distance between each feature.

  9. Click Create.

Specify a constant distance

The Equal Distance tab Equal Distance creates point features evenly spaced at a specified distance along a selected polyline feature. The tool calculates the number of features. Creating point features at either end of the selected feature is optional.

  1. Add your data and configure settings for editing.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Create Create Features.
  3. In the Create Features pane, click a point feature template.

    To override default attribute values, click the Active template button Forward and click the corresponding tab.

  4. Click the Points Along Line tool Points Along a Line.

    By default, the selection tool becomes active with the currently enabled selection method.

  5. Select a polyline feature. To change the selection, click the map and drag the pointer across another feature.

    If you select more than one feature, the selection appears in the pane selection view. Click Unselect Clear Selected for each unwanted feature until one feature is selected.


    The feature highlights in the map with arrows indicating its from-to direction.

  6. Click the Equal Distance tab Equal Distance.

    The length of the selected feature appears in the pane. To change the units, click the unit drop-down arrow.

  7. Click the Orientation button to specify the end from which the point feature are measured. The button displays the current orientation.
  8. In the Additional Points section, check or uncheck the following optional settings to create point features at the start or the end of the feature.
    At start of line

    Create a point feature at the start of the line feature.

    At end of line

    Create a point feature at the end of the line feature.

    Optional additional points
  9. In the Distance box, type the distance between which every feature is to be created.

    The tool calculates the number of point features to be created.

  10. Click Create.

Specify varying distances

The Varying Distances tab Varying Distances creates a specified number point features at specified distances entered as rows in a table. Each row creates features measured from the last feature created by the previous row. Creating point features at either end of the selected feature is optional.

  1. Add your data and configure settings for editing.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Create Create Features.
  3. In the Create Features pane, click a point feature template.

    To override default attribute values, click the Active template button Forward and click the corresponding tab.

  4. Click the Points Along Line tool Points Along a Line.

    By default, the selection tool becomes active with the currently enabled selection method.

  5. Select a polyline feature. To change the selection, click the map and drag the pointer across another feature.

    If you select more than one feature, the selection appears in the pane selection view. Click Unselect Clear Selected for each unwanted feature until one feature is selected.


    The feature highlights in the map with arrows indicating its from-to direction.

  6. Click the Varying Distances tab Varying Distances.

    The length of the selected feature appears in the pane. To change the units, click the unit drop-down arrow.

  7. Click the Orientation button to specify the end from which the point feature are measured. The button displays the current orientation.
  8. In the Additional Points section, check or uncheck the following optional settings to create point features at the start or the end of the feature.
    At start of line

    Create a point feature at the start of the line feature.

    At end of line

    Create a point feature at the end of the line feature.

    Optional additional points
  9. In the parameters table, click the Distance field and type a distance between which every feature specified in the current row is to be created
    • Press the Enter key to enter the distance and automatically accept the default number of one (1) point per row, and add another row.
    • Press the Tab key or click the Number Of Points field, type the number of point features to create at the specified distance, and press the Enter key.

    Each row creates features measured from the last feature created by the previous row.

  10. Click Create.