Move a topological edge or feature

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Move Move Plane can move topological edges or features. If map topology is turned on, all features that are connected to the selected edge stretch and move to maintain connectivity. This tool is available in the Modify Features pane.

Move a topological edge

Click the Edges tab to move a topological edge. Moving a topological edge preserves the direction and distance of the selected edge and stretches the connected edges.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab, turn on Map Topology, and show the Modify Features pane.
    1. In the Manage Edits group, click the Map Topology Map Topology drop-down arrow and enable map topology.

      Map Topology

    2. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. In the Modify Features pane, expand Alignment, and click Move Move Plane.
  3. In the Move pane, click the Edges tab.

    The topology graph highlights in the map.

  4. Click Select edge or node Select Topology and click the edge you want to edit.

    Clicked vertex

  5. To split the connection between one or more topology elements, disable editing for the feature or turn the selection off in the selection tree view.
    • Uncheck the feature to temporarily disable editing and keep it in the selection.
    • Click the feature button to turn the feature selection on or off.
    • Click the feature name to flash the feature in the map

    Selection options

  6. Hover near the edge until the segment pointer appears, and drag the selected edge to the new location.
    • To use the selection anchor to snap to other feature, hover over the anchor and press Ctrl. When the vertex pointer appears, drag the anchor to the location you want to snap.
    • To preserve the general shape of the connected edges, turn on Stretch Topology Stretch Topology on the editing toolbar.
      Editing toolbar

    Coincident edges also move, and any edges connected to its endpoints stretch and remain connected.

  7. Click Finish Finish or press F2.

Move a topological feature

Click the Features tab to move a topological feature. Rubber band lines preview how the connected edges will stretch. If you drag the feature too far, the rubber band lines disappear, the connected features are no longer topologically connected and are not edited.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab, turn on Map Topology, and show the Modify Features pane.
    1. In the Manage Edits group, click the Map Topology Map Topology drop-down arrow and enable map topology.

      Map Topology

    2. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. In the Modify Features pane, expand Alignment, and click Move Move Plane.
  3. In the Move pane, click the Features tab.

    The topology graph highlights in the map.

  4. Click the Features tab.
  5. Click Select Active Select, and select the features.
    • To refine the selection, right-click a feature in the tree view, and click Unselect Clear Selected or Only Select This List By Selection.
      Context menu
  6. Hover near the feature until the move pointer appears, and drag the feature.
    • To use the selection anchor to snap to other feature, press Ctrl and drag the anchor to the location you want to snap.
    • To preserve the general shape of the connected edges, turn on Stretch Topology Stretch Topology on the editing toolbar.
      Editing toolbar

    Coincident edges also move, and any edges connected to its endpoints stretch and remain connected.

  7. To apply your changes, click Finish Finish or press F2.

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