Interactive view dome creation methods

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An exploratory analysis view dome can be created in a variety of ways based on your workflow.

The creation methods are as follows:

  • Interactive Placement
  • Interactive Size
  • From Layer

To create an interactive view dome, click the Analysis tab and choose a view dome template from the Exploratory 3D Analysis gallery in the Workflows group. This opens the Exploratory Analysis pane and activates the tool.

Each method generates one or more view domes using the creation parameters displayed in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Changes to the default parameters only affect subsequently created view domes.

A selected view dome can be edited using the anchors that appear on the graphic, or using the Properties tab in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Additionally, you can add a configuration of the view dome to the template gallery.


Each scene has a display budget for the number of interactive analysis objects it can contain at one time. A warning message appears when you have exceeded that limit. You must remove one or more analysis objects, or click Clear All Clear All in the Exploratory 3D Analysis drop-down menu on the Analysis tab before you can create more.

Interactive Placement

Place one or more view domes in the scene by interactively clicking to specify the observer (origin) position. The view dome is generated according to the specifications outlined in the Exploratory Analysis pane. This creation method is well suited to general exploratory investigation of the volumetric spaces within a direct 3D distance of a location within a scene.

  1. Click the Interactive Placement button View Dome Interactive Placement in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Optionally, activate the pane by choosing a View Dome tool from the template gallery on the Analysis tab.
  2. Review the creation parameters and update as needed.
  3. Click in the scene to place the view dome observer.


    Interactive Placement is compatible with snapping. Enable snapping in the scene view for more precise placement. For example, vertex or edge snapping allows you to snap to the edge or corner of a building.

    The observer and analysis graphics are added to the scene.

The Interactive Placement creation tool remains active to continue adding more view domes. Click the observer to select and edit a view dome.

Interactive Size

Place a view dome and adjust the size interactively. This method is well suited for creating view domes with a flexible radius.

  1. Click the Interactive Size button View Dome Interactive Size in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Optionally, activate the pane by choosing a View Dome tool from the template gallery on the Analysis tab.
  2. Review and optionally update the creation parameters.
  3. Click in the scene to place the view dome observer.

    Interactive Size is compatible with snapping. Enable snapping in the scene view for more precise placement. For example, vertex or edge snapping allows you to snap to the edge or corner of a building.

  4. Orient the camera by repositioning the scene view as needed. Press the C key as a shortcut to the Explore tool Explore Tool or use the Navigator control Navigator in the lower left of the scene.
  5. Move the pointer to get a preview of the object and click again to set the maximum distance and finish sketching the view dome.

    The observer and analysis graphics are added to the scene.

The Interactive Size creation tool remains active to continue adding more view domes. Click the observer to select and edit a view dome.

From Layer

Interactive view domes can be generated from a point layer where feature attributes can set origin location, vertical offset, and minimum and maximum distance parameters. This method is well suited for saving and reloading designs. View domes can be saved as a stand-alone point layer and reimported so you can pick up where you left off.

  1. Click the From Layer button View Dome From Layer in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Optionally, activate the pane by choosing a View Dome tool from the template gallery on the Analysis tab.
  2. Choose the layer containing the point features against which you want to perform the view dome analysis. The menu lists all point layers present in the current map view.

    The scene has a display budget for the number of view domes it can contain at one time. A warning message appears when you have exceeded that limit, and no more view domes can be created.

  3. Optionally, connect tool parameters to attribute fields within the point layer.

    If this is a previously saved view dome, these are automatically connected for you. Expressions are supported.

  4. Click Apply.

    The observer and analysis graphics are added to the scene according to the values defined in the attributes of the point layer. If no values are present, the default creation parameters are used.

    The From Layer creation tool remains active to continue adding more view domes. Click the observer to select and edit a view dome.

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