Update interactive viewshed properties

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While most viewshed parameters can be updated directly in the scene by interacting with a selected viewshed object, you can also adjust its properties, such as viewshed angles and distances when creating new viewshed objects, and global properties including color choices for the results on the Properties tab of the Exploratory Analysis pane.

Select a viewshed to update

To modify the property values for a viewshed object, it must first be selected. Select a single viewshed either by clicking the observer point in the view or using the following options in the navigation box at the top of the Properties tab:

  • Select Next Select Next—Cycle the selection forward through the existing viewsheds in the scene. When the desired viewshed is selected, you can update its specified values and colors.

  • Select Previous Select Previous—Cycle the selection in reverse order through the existing viewsheds.

  • Select All—All viewsheds in the active scene are selected. Changes to any property values will be applied to all viewsheds.

  • Delete Delete—The selected viewshed is removed from the scene and the next viewshed is selected.

Clear a selection by clicking away from the viewsheds in the scene with the creation method tool still active.

Update an interactive viewshed using the selection handles

When you select an interactive viewshed object, interactive handles display, allowing you to directly manipulate the aspects of the object. You can change the following properties for any single axis or part of the viewshed angle:

  • Drag the positioning circle for the observer point to a new location, updating the x-and y-values.
  • Drag the observer's vertical green arrow handle to adjust its elevation (z-value).
  • Drag the green arrow handle to manipulate the heading value.
  • Drag the red arrow handle to manipulate the tilt value.
  • Drag the blue arrow handle to manipulate the minimum and maximum viewshed distance values.
  • Drag a midpoint anchor on the wireframe edges to modify the viewshed angles


The observer and target control points honor the option to navigate below ground for the scene. Therefore, to move control points below the ground elevation surface, you must enable this capability. Select the elevation surface in the Contents pane, and on the Elevation Surface Layer tab in the Surface group, check the Navigate Underground option. This property applies a 2-meter offset from the ground to ensure the point remains above ground when the scene changes the ground surface level of detail.

Update an interactive viewshed using the Properties tab

Use the Properties tab in the Exploratory Analysis pane to select your analysis objects, provide necessary modifications, or, optionally, click Delete Delete to remove an object. To clear a selection, you must click away from the object in the view.

The viewshed properties you can update include the following:

  • Viewpoint angles for the viewshed's heading and tilt
  • Viewshed angles for the horizontal and vertical size to the field of view
  • Minimum and maximum distance values for the viewshed analysis range from the observer point

Global properties

Global properties affect the appearance of all existing view domes and any future view domes created. Expand the Global Properties heading to modify the color of the wireframe and choose whether to view the on-screen display feedback. Click the Show edit overlay option to add a control to the display that dynamically updates values as you modify the shape of the view dome. You can also type directly in the display for each of the handle values. At any time, the Restore Defaults button can be used to return all global properties to their default values.


Visible Color

The color representing what the observer can see.

Not Visible Color

The color from the first obstruction point to the maximum distance representing what the observer cannot see.

Multiple Coverage Color

The color representing areas visible from multiple observer objects.

Wireframe Color

The color of the wireframe overlay that outlines the viewshed area.

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