00129: Map has <value> that records Editor Tracking dates in database time zone, but time zone has not been defined

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You are sharing a web layer with data that has Editor Tracking enabled and set to record dates in database time, but the time zone is set to None (Assumed UTC) or Unknown. Although all services can include data for which Editor Tracking is enabled and set to record dates in coordinated universal time (UTC), only ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and Portal for ArcGIS beginning at specific portal versions support Editor Tracking with dates recorded in database time. This includes layers of stand-alone tables that reference datasets with Editor Tracking enabled. You can specify the time zone when sharing the following:

  • Map image layers to Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 and later
  • Web feature layers that copy all data to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 and later

When sharing to ArcGIS Online, date values will be stored in UTC but displayed in the user's local time in Map Viewer. Viewing the feature layer in ArcGIS Pro will display the dates in UTC.

The <value> parameter indicates whether layers, tables, or both record Editor Tracking dates in database time.


Do one of the following:

  • Set your time zone to match the time zone of your database.

    Hover over the analyzer message. Click the Options button Options that appears and click Set Time Zone. In the sharing pane, on the Configure Parameters tab Configure parameters, under Date Fields, choose the correct time zone.

  • If your portal does not support Editor Tracking with dates recorded in database time, use the Disable Editor Tracking geoprocessing tool.

More information

Editor Tracking keeps a record of who created or updated features and when changes occurred. Editor Tracking is required if you want to apply rules controlling edit permissions in feature services with ownership based on access control.

If you plan to edit with the feature service, use UTC, a standard that is unaffected by differences in time zones. Since editors can apply edits from potentially anywhere in the world, UTC works well. UTC is also recommended if you plan to do replication across time zones.

Learn more about the Time zone of the data parameter.

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.