ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data Namespace / Table Class / GetControllerDatasets Method

In This Topic
    GetControllerDatasets Method
    In This Topic
    Gets a IReadOnlyList of controller datasets of a specific Dataset type that this table or feature class participates in. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
    public IReadOnlyList<Dataset> GetControllerDatasets()
    Public Function GetControllerDatasets() As IReadOnlyList(Of Dataset)

    Return Value

    A IReadOnlyList of controller datasets of a specific Dataset type that this table or feature class participates in.
    This table does not support controller datasets.
    A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.
    If IsControllerDatasetSupported returns false, calling this method will result in an exception.
    Get parcel fabric from table
    public static ParcelFabric GetParcelFabricFromTable(Table table)
      ParcelFabric myParcelFabricDataset = null;
      if (table.IsControllerDatasetSupported())
        // Tables can belong to multiple controller datasets, but at most one of them will be a parcel fabric
        IReadOnlyList<Dataset> controllerDatasets = table.GetControllerDatasets();
        foreach (Dataset controllerDataset in controllerDatasets)
          if (controllerDataset is ParcelFabric)
            myParcelFabricDataset = controllerDataset as ParcelFabric;
      return myParcelFabricDataset;
    Get a Utility Network from a Table
    public static UtilityNetwork GetUtilityNetworkFromTable(Table table)
      UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = null;
      if (table.IsControllerDatasetSupported())
        // Tables can belong to multiple controller datasets, but at most one of them will be a UtilityNetwork
        IReadOnlyList<Dataset> controllerDatasets = table.GetControllerDatasets();
        foreach (Dataset controllerDataset in controllerDatasets)
          if (controllerDataset is UtilityNetwork)
            utilityNetwork = controllerDataset as UtilityNetwork;
      return utilityNetwork;
    Get a Utility Network from a Layer
    // This routine obtains a utility network from a FeatureLayer, SubtypeGroupLayer, or UtilityNetworkLayer
    public static UtilityNetwork GetUtilityNetworkFromLayer(Layer layer)
      UtilityNetwork utilityNetwork = null;
      if (layer is UtilityNetworkLayer)
        UtilityNetworkLayer utilityNetworkLayer = layer as UtilityNetworkLayer;
        utilityNetwork = utilityNetworkLayer.GetUtilityNetwork();
      else if (layer is SubtypeGroupLayer)
        CompositeLayer compositeLayer = layer as CompositeLayer;
        utilityNetwork = GetUtilityNetworkFromLayer(compositeLayer.Layers.First());
      else if (layer is FeatureLayer)
        FeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as FeatureLayer;
        using (FeatureClass featureClass = featureLayer.GetFeatureClass())
          if (featureClass.IsControllerDatasetSupported())
            IReadOnlyList<Dataset> controllerDatasets = new List<Dataset>();
            controllerDatasets = featureClass.GetControllerDatasets();
            foreach (Dataset controllerDataset in controllerDatasets)
              if (controllerDataset is UtilityNetwork)
                utilityNetwork = controllerDataset as UtilityNetwork;
      return utilityNetwork;

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3.0 or higher.
    See Also