ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy Version
ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.Trace Namespace
This namespace contains types used with the tracing capabilities of the utility network.
Class Computes the sum of the network attribute from each applicable element.
Class Represents the result of aggregated geometries (multi-point, polyline or polygon) from a trace output.
Class The And conditional expression is used to perform boolean logic with other conditional expressions.
Class Computes the average value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
ClassThe CategoryComparison conditional expression performs a comparison that checks to see if a Category is assigned to the ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.AssetType of the current row
Class The Condition class is an abstract base class that represents a Boolean condition. It is used in conjunction with tracing in different contexts- including control of traversability and control of applicability of functional expressions.
Class The ConditionalExpression class is an abstract base class that represents a Boolean condition composed of one or more comparison clauses. It is used in conjunction with tracing in different contexts- including control of traversability and control of applicability of functional expressions.
Class The ConnectedTracer class performs a connected trace- returning elements that that connected to the starting points.
Class Counts the number of applicable elements.
Class The DownstreamTracer class performs a downstream trace.
ClassRepresents the result of ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.Element information from a trace output.
Class The Filter class encapsulates all of the criteria that determine filters in a utility network trace.
Class Functions allow the computation of values during a network trace.
Class A FunctionBarrier stops continued traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as true.
ClassThe result of a Function that is executed by a trace.
ClassRepresents the result of FunctionOutput information from a trace output.
Class The IsolationTracer class identifies features that can isolate a specific section of a network
Class The LoopsTracer class returns elements that participate in loops.
Class Computes the maximum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
Class Computes the minimum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
Class The NamedTraceConfiguration object defines a set of input parameters to a tracing operation.
ClassRepresents a filter for performing a query to find the desired NamedTraceConfiguration objects.
Class The NearestNeighbor class encapsulates all of the criteria for defining a nearest neighbor filter.
ClassThe NetworkAttributeComparison conditional expression performs a comparison against the value of a ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork.NetworkAttribute. The comparison may be against a specific value or against a second NetworkAttribute.
Class The Or conditional expression is used to perform boolean logic with other conditional expressions.
Class Propagator objects allow a subset of NetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while executing a trace. These values can be tested to allow or disallow further traversal.
Class The Result object returns information from a trace.
Class The ShortestPathTracer returns the shortest path between two starting points.
Class The SubnetworkControllerTracer finds sources and sinks of a particular subnetwork.
Class The SubnetworkTracer object performs a subnetwork trace.
Class Takes the network attribute value from the starting point as the base number, and then subtracts the value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
Class The TraceArgument class consolidates all of the input parameters to a trace.
Class The TraceConfiguration object defines a set of input parameters to a tracing operation.
ClassThe TraceManager class provides access to Tracer objects.
Class Tracer is an abstract base class that provides tracing capabilities.
Class The Traversability class encapsulates all of the criteria that determines traversability in a utility network trace.
Class The UpstreamTracer class performs a upstream trace.
InterfaceRepresents a non-terminal ConditionalExpression node that has a left expression and a right expression.
EnumerationThe operators that can be used in CategoryComparison comparisons.
Enumeration Indicates the number of minimum starting locations for a named trace configuration.
Enumeration Indicates the result of a nearest neighbor filter.
EnumerationThe operators that can be used in NetworkAttributeComparison comparisons.
EnumerationThe functions that can be used with Propagators.
Enumeration The types of results that can be returned from utility network trace operations.
Enumeration The TraversabilityScope enum is used to control whether or not traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both.
See Also