ArcGIS Pro 3.1 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / GeometryBuilderEx Class
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    GeometryBuilderEx Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by GeometryBuilderEx.

    Public Properties
    Public Property Gets the type of geometry that will be created from this builder.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating if the GeometryBuilderEx recognizes ID-values.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating if the GeometryBuilderEx recognizes M-values.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating if the GeometryBuilderEx recognizes Z-values.  
    Public Property Gets a value indicating if this instance is empty.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the SpatialReference instance on this builder.  
    Public Methods
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Replaces SpatialReference of the input Geometry instance.  
    Public Method Sets this instance to empty.  
    Public Method Builds a new Geometry instance from the properties of this builder.  
    See Also