Generate Coordinate Notations (Defense)

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Converts source coordinates in a table to multiple coordinate formats.

The tool uses an input table with coordinates and outputs a new table with fields for the following coordinate formats: Decimal Degrees, Degrees and Decimal Minutes, Degrees Minutes and Seconds, Global Area Reference System, World Geographic Reference System, Universal Transverse Mercator, United States National Grid, and Military Grid Reference System.


  • The output table maintains the original fields of the input table and adds text fields for the converted notations, including the following:

    • DDLat—Decimal Degrees latitude field
    • DDLon—Decimal Degrees longitude field
    • DDMLat—Degree and Decimal Minutes latitude field
    • DDMLon—Degree and Decimal Minutes longitude field
    • DMSLat—Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds latitude field
    • DMSLon—Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds longitude field
    • UTM_BANDS—Universal Transverse Mercator Bands
    • MGRS—Military Grid Reference System
    • USNG—United States National Grid
    • GARS—Global Area Reference System
    • GEOREF—World Geographic Reference System


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The table containing the source coordinates.

Table View
Output Table

The output table containing the converted coordinates.

X Field (longitude, UTM, MGRS, USNG, GARS, GEOREF)

The field in the input table containing the x or longitude coordinates.

Input Coordinate Format

Specifies the format of the input table coordinates.

  • Decimal Degrees - One FieldCoordinates will be formatted in a decimal degrees coordinate pair stored in a single field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Decimal Degrees - Two FieldsCoordinates will be formatted in a decimal degrees coordinate pair stored in two table fields. This is the default.
  • Degrees and Decimal Minutes - One FieldCoordinates will be formatted in a degrees and decimal minutes coordinate pair stored in a single table field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Degrees and Decimal Minutes - Two FieldsCoordinates will be formatted in a degrees and decimal minutes coordinate pair stored in two table fields.
  • Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds - One FieldCoordinates will be formatted in a degrees, minutes, and seconds coordinate pair stored in a single table field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds - Two FieldsCoordinates will be formatted in a degrees, minutes, and seconds coordinate pair stored in two table fields.
  • Global Area Reference SystemCoordinates will be formatted in Global Area Reference System.
  • World Geographic Reference System Coordinates will be formatted in World Geographic Reference System.
  • Universal Transverse Mercator BandsCoordinates will be formatted in Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate bands.
  • Universal Transverse Mercator ZonesCoordinates will be formatted in Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate zones.
  • United States National GridCoordinates will be formatted in United States National Grid.
  • Military Grid Reference SystemCoordinates will be formatted in Military Grid Reference System.
Y Field (latitude)

The field in the input table containing the y or latitude coordinates.

The Y Field (latitude) parameter is used when the Input Coordinate Format parameter is set to Decimal Degrees - Two Fields, Degrees and Decimal Minutes - Two Fields, or Degrees Minutes and Seconds - Two Fields.

Output Coordinate System

The spatial reference of the coordinates in the output table. The default is GCS_WGS_1984.

Spatial Reference

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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