An overview of the Analyze Patterns toolset

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The Analyze Patterns toolset contains tools that help you identify, quantify, and visualize spatial patterns in your data.


These tools are available when you have an active ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has a hosting server configured for Feature Analysis - Standard Tools. To access and run the tools, you must have spatial analysis privileges. The tools will not work if your active portal is ArcGIS Online.

These tools can be accessed from either the Analysis ribbon or the Geoprocessing pane's Portal tab.

Learn more about Portal tools


Calculate Density

Creates a density map from point or line features by spreading known quantities of some phenomenon (represented as attributes of the points or lines) across the map. The result is a layer of areas classified from least dense to most dense.

Find Hot Spots

Identifies statistically significant spatial clustering of high values (hot spots) or low values (cold spots), or data counts, in your data. Use this tool to uncover hot and cold spots of high and low home values, crime densities, traffic accident fatalities, unemployment or biodiversity, for example.

Interpolate Points

Predicts values at new locations based on measurements from a collection of points. The tool uses point data with values at each point as input and makes areas classified by predicted values.

Tools in the Analyze Patterns toolset

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