How CatBoost algorithm works

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CatBoost is a supervised machine learning method that is used by the Train Using AutoML tool and uses decision trees for classification and regression. As its name suggests, CatBoost has two main features, it works with categorical data (the Cat) and it uses gradient boosting (the Boost). Gradient boosting is a process in which many decision trees are constructed iteratively. Each subsequent tree improves the result of the previous tree, leading to better results. CatBoost improves on the original gradient boost method for a faster implementation.

CatBoost overcomes a limitation of other decision tree-based methods in which, typically, the data must be pre-processed to convert categorical string variables to numerical values, one-hot-encodings, and so on. This method can directly consume a combination of categorical and non-categorical explanatory variables without preprocessing. It preprocesses as part of the algorithm. CatBoost uses a method called ordered encoding to encode categorical features. Ordered encoding considers the target statistics from all the rows prior to a data point to calculate a value to replace the categorical feature.

Another unique characteristic of CatBoost is that it uses symmetric trees. This means that at every depth level, all the decision nodes use the same split condition.

CatBoost can also be faster than other methods such as XGBoost. It retains certain features—such as cross-validation, regularization, and missing value support—from the prior algorithms. This method performs well with both small data and large data.