Refresh Multifile Feature Connection (GeoAnalytics Desktop)

This ArcGIS 3.1 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Refreshes an existing multifile feature connection (MFC) and registers any new datasets that have been added to the source location.


  • This tool requires a MFC. To create a MFC, use the Create Multifile Feature Connection tool.

  • Use this tool to add one or more new datasets to an existing multifile feature connection. Additionally, the tool will reregister any datasets that have been removed using the Remove Dataset From Multifile Feature Connection tool. The following are examples of when to use this tool:

    • You copied a folder of data to your existing MFC source folder and want it represented as a dataset in your MFC.
    • You used the Remove Dataset From Multifile Feature Connection tool and you want to add the removed datasets back to the MFC.

  • This tool does not refresh existing dataset properties that have been edited using the Update Multifile Feature Connection Dataset Properties tool. All modified properties will be maintained. The following scenarios include the recommended workflows:

  • The tool messages will include the following information on the datasets discovered and their status:

    • Skipped—All existing datasets are skipped during refresh and remain as is.
    • Succeeded—New datasets that have been discovered and added to the MFC.
    • Failed—Datasets that were not successfully added to the MFC.

    You may run into one of two issues when discovering datasets in an MFC:

    • Datasets that you expected are missing. In this case, verify that the path you specified as a source folder that contains subfolders is correct and that it's a supported data type.
    • One or more datasets fail to register. If datasets fail to register, you may note some of the following:


      The dataset is not in the expected format.

      Open the file to see if it looks as expected. If the data is structured incorrectly, update and try again.

      A .csv file has a few lines and a summary of the data and then only empty lines.

      The schemas of datasets in a folder do not match.

      All files in a dataset folder must have the same schema. Open the files to compare the schemas. Resolve any mismatched schemas and try to register the dataset again.

      You have one .csv file with 10 fields and another with 8.

      The file types of a dataset in a folder do not match.

      All files in a dataset folder must have the same extension (file type). Check the file types of the data source location and remove or relocate any misplaced files.

      A shapefile dataset is in the same folder as a parquet file.

      You have an unrecognized field format.

      This is unlikely but may occur if ORC and parquet use an unexpected format. Ensure that you use valid field formats.

      You have a parquet file with an unknown field format.

    Learn more about why datasets fail to add to a MFC file

  • Once you refresh a MFC, use the Describe Dataset tool to verify that the updated dataset looks as expected.

  • The Refresh Multifile Feature Connection tools identifies new datasets. The following tools can also be used to modify a MFC:

  • This geoprocessing tool is powered by Spark. See Multifile feature connections to learn more about multifile feature connections and how to use them.


LabelExplanationData Type
Multifile Feature Connection File

The MFC file to refresh.

Visible Geometry Fields

Specifies whether the fields used to identify the geometry will be included (visible) as fields for analysis when the MFC file is used in other geoprocessing tools. When geometry fields are not visible, geometry is still applied to the dataset. The geometry visibility setting can be modified in the MFC.

  • Checked—Geometry fields will be included as fields for analysis. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Geometry fields will not be included as fields for analysis.

Visible Time Fields

Specifies whether the fields used to indicate the time will be included (visible) as fields for analysis when the MFC file is used in other geoprocessing tools. When time fields are not visible, time is still applied to the dataset. The time visibility setting can be modified in the MFC.

  • Checked—Time fields will be included as fields for analysis. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Time fields will not be included as fields for analysis.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated MFC

The input .mfc file with updated datasets.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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