An overview of the Suitability toolset

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The Suitability toolset contains tools that analyze suitability in an intelligence context.


DOF To Obstacle Features

Converts the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) to obstruction points and obstruction buffer features.

Drop Zone Suitability

Identifies drop zone locations suitable for parachuting equipment or personnel within a designated area of interest given slope and vegetation data.

Generate HLZ Suitability

Creates a helicopter landing zone (HLZ) suitability raster layer from reclassified slope, reclassified land cover, and obstacle buffers.

Generate Obstacle Features

Converts features with a height field to a 3D obstacle feature and an obstacle restriction buffer for use in evaluating helicopter landing zones.

Least Cost Path

Finds the shortest path between starting points and ending points across a cost surface.

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