Add Reshape Diagram Edges Layout (Network Diagram)

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Adds the Reshape Diagram Edges Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Reshape Diagram Edges Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

This layout algorithm is used to process simple operations on vertices along edges in network diagrams. It allows you to do the following:

  • Remove all vertices along diagram edges.
  • Reduce some vertices along diagram edges.
  • Square diagram edges with the addition of vertices on edges.
  • Separate diagram edges that overlap.
  • Detect diagram edges that cross each other at right angles and reshape their geometries to display a circular arc at the crossing locations.

Learn more about the Reshape Diagram Edges layout algorithm


This tool is a configuration and administration tool.


This tool impacts the consistency of any existing diagrams based on the input diagram template. All of the existing diagrams become inconsistent and open with a consistency warning icon Diagram to update until they are updated.


  • This tool is not supported when working with a utility network or trace network service. You must use either a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase, or a database connection to a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase. When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the following are requirements:

  • To preset the layout algorithm parameters for a diagram based on the diagram template, uncheck the Active parameter (is_active = "INACTIVE" in Python).

  • Run the tool with Active checked (is_active = "ACTIVE" in Python) if you want the layout algorithm to be added to the list of layouts that will be automatically chained at the end of diagram generation based on the input diagram template.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Network

The utility network or trace network containing the diagram template that will be modified.

Utility Network; Trace Network
Input Diagram Template

The name of the diagram template that will be modified.


Specifies whether the layout algorithm will automatically run when generating diagrams based on the specified template.

  • Checked—The added layout algorithm will automatically run during the generation of any diagram that is based on the Input Diagram Template parameter value. This is the default.

    The parameter values specified for the layout algorithm are used to run the layout during diagram generation. They are also loaded by default when the algorithm is to be run on any diagram based on the input template.

  • Unchecked—All the parameter values currently specified for the added layout algorithm will be loaded by default when the algorithm is to be run on any diagram based on the input template.

Preserve container layout

Specifies how the algorithm will process containers.

  • Checked—The layout algorithm will apply to the top graph of the diagram so containers are preserved.
  • Unchecked—The layout algorithm will apply to both content and noncontent features in the diagram. This is the default.

Reshape Operation

Specifies how edges will be reshaped.

  • Remove verticesVertices along edges in the diagram will be removed.
  • Square edgesVertices will be placed along diagram edges, and the edges will be displayed with right angles. This is the default.
  • Separate overlapping edgesEdges that connect the same origin and extremity junctions will be separated when they are overlapping.
  • Reduce vertices by angleSome or all vertices displayed along diagram edges will be reduced according to the angle that separates the segments incident to those vertices.
  • Mark crossing edgesThe horizontal and vertical diagram edges that cross each other at a right angle in the diagram will be marked, and the geometry of one of the crossing edges will be reshaped to display a circular arc at this location.
Preserve path

Specifies whether vertices along the edges that will be squared will be preserved. This parameter is active when Reshape Operation is Square edges.

  • Checked—The direction of any edge will be considered, and vertices along that edge will be preserved from the first vertex to the last. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Vertices along the diagram edges will not be considered, and the vertices will be removed.

Offset Between Edges

The spacing that will separate parallel segments of squared edges incident to the same junction. The default is 5 in the units of the diagram's coordinate system. This parameter is active when Reshape Operation is Square edges.

Linear Unit
Break Point Position

The maximum distance between each junction to the first or last break point along edges incident to that junction when those edges are squared. The default is 8.66 in the units of the diagram's coordinate system. This parameter is active when Reshape Operation is Square edges.

Linear Unit
Offset Between Edges

The absolute spacing that will separate two edges. The default is 0.5 in the units of the diagram's coordinate system. This parameter is active when Reshape Operation is Separate overlapping edges.

Linear Unit
Angle Threshold

The angle formed by the incident segments over which the vertex related to these segments will be reduced. The wider the angle, the fewer number of vertices will be reduced. The default is 160 degrees. This parameter is active when Reshape Operation is Reduce vertices by angle.

Circular Arc Radius

The radius of the circular arc that will be added to the crossing edge locations. The default is 5.

Linear Unit
Circular Arc Position

Specifies the segment on which a circular arc will be placed.

  • Left of vertical segmentA circular arc will be placed to the left of the vertical segment.
  • Right of vertical segmentA circular arc will be placed to the right of the vertical segment.
  • Above horizontal segmentA circular arc will be placed above the horizontal segment.
  • Below horizontal segmentA circular arc will be placed below the horizontal segment.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Network

The updated utility network or trace network.

Utility Network; Trace Network
Output Diagram Template

The name of the diagram template.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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