An overview of the Space Time Cube Creation toolset

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Using the tools in the Space Time Cube Creation toolset, you can summarize your data into a netCDF data structure that can then be used as input to tools in the Space Time Pattern Analysis and Time Series Forecasting toolsets. The data aggregated and summarized into the space-time cube must have time stamps but can come from many different formats such as a set of points, panel data, related tables, or multidimensional raster layers. When the space-time cube is created, initial summary statistics and trend are calculated.


See Visualize the space-time cube for strategies that allow you to view cube contents.

The Space Time Cube Explorer add-in available on the Spatial Statistics Resources page can also be used to visualize space-time cube contents and analysis results in 2D and 3D by automatically setting up time and range sliders and providing a variety of display theme options.

Additional resources

The Spatial Statistics Resources page at contains a variety of resources to help you use the Spatial Statistics and Space Time Pattern Mining tools, including the following:

  • Hands-on tutorials and Learn lessons
  • Workshop videos and presentations
  • Training and web seminars
  • Links to books, articles, and technical papers
  • Sample scripts and case studies

In this topic
  1. Additional resources