Spatial Statistics toolbox licensing

This ArcGIS 3.1 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
Analyzing Patterns toolset
Average Nearest NeighborBasicStandardAdvanced
High/Low ClusteringBasicStandardAdvanced
Incremental Spatial AutocorrelationBasicStandardAdvanced
Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster AnalysisBasicStandardAdvanced
Spatial AutocorrelationBasicStandardAdvanced
Mapping Clusters toolset
Build Balanced ZonesBasicStandardAdvanced
Calculate Composite IndexBasicStandardAdvanced
Cluster and Outlier Analysis: Anselin Local Moran's IBasicStandardAdvanced
Density-based ClusteringBasicStandardAdvanced
Hot Spot AnalysisBasicStandardAdvanced
Hot Spot Analysis ComparisonBasicStandardAdvanced
Multivariate ClusteringBasicStandardAdvanced
Optimized Hot Spot AnalysisBasicStandardAdvanced
Optimized Outlier AnalysisBasicStandardAdvanced
Similarity Search

Advanced license is required to use Collapse Output To Points parameter.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced
Spatial Outlier Detection

Spatial Analyst is required to use the Output Prediction Raster parameter.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced (Please see license notes for more details.)
Spatially Constrained Multivariate ClusteringBasicStandardAdvanced
Measuring Geographic Distributions toolset
Central FeatureBasicStandardAdvanced
Directional Distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse)BasicStandardAdvanced
Linear Directional MeanBasicStandardAdvanced
Mean CenterBasicStandardAdvanced
Median CenterBasicStandardAdvanced
Neighborhood Summary Statistics

Advanced license is required to use Delaunay triangulation neighborhood type.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced
Standard DistanceBasicStandardAdvanced
Modeling Spatial Relationships toolset
Colocation AnalysisBasicStandardAdvanced
Exploratory RegressionBasicStandardAdvanced
Forest-based Classification and Regression

Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced (Please see license notes for more details.)
Generalized Linear RegressionBasicStandardAdvanced
Generate Network Spatial WeightsRequires Network AnalystRequires Network AnalystRequires Network Analyst
Generate Spatial Weights MatrixBasicStandardAdvanced
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)

Advanced license is required to generate coefficient rasters.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced
Hot Spot ComparisonBasicStandardAdvanced
Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)

Advanced license is required to generate coefficient rasters.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced
Local Bivariate RelationshipsBasicStandardAdvanced
Ordinary Least SquaresBasicStandardAdvanced
Predict Using Spatial Statistics Model File

Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced (Please see license notes for more details.)
Presence-Only Prediction

Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced (Please see license notes for more details.)
Spatial Association Between Zones

Spatial Analyst is required to use rasters as input or output.

Basic (Please see license notes for more details.)Standard (Please see license notes for more details.)Advanced (Please see license notes for more details.)
Utilities toolset
Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor CountBasicStandardAdvanced
Collect EventsBasicStandardAdvanced
Convert Spatial Weights Matrix to TableBasicStandardAdvanced
Describe Spatial Statistics Model FileBasicStandardAdvanced
Dimension ReductionBasicStandardAdvanced
Export Feature Attribute to ASCIIBasicStandardAdvanced
Set Spatial Statistics Model File PropertiesBasicStandardAdvanced
Time Series SmoothingBasicStandardAdvanced