00150: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

The result references a tool that can only run with an enterprise geodatabase. Creating a geoprocessing service that uses tools that can only operate with an enterprise geodatabases is not supported unless the database is registered with the server's data store.


Ensure that the package or service will use an enterprise geodatabase.

  • If you are creating a geoprocessing package, check the Include Enterprise Geodatabase data instead of referencing the data option.
  • If you are creating a service, register the enterprise geodatabase with the server's data store.

More information

Project data in an enterprise geodatabase is converted to a file geodatabase when published to a server, unless the enterprise geodatabase is registered with the server's data store. To prevent conversion, you must register the enterprise geodatabase with the server's data store.

In this topic
  1. Solution