Reference data is one of the key elements in a locator. Knowing which address elements are needed for the locator role used to create the locator is key to formatting the reference data.
Formatting the reference data
The elements described below are used to format reference data.
Address elements
ArcGIS Pro includes several predefined locator roles that have specific requirements for the primary reference data it can use to match addresses. You can use data from your organization or from other data providers, but they each contain some common address elements that are required to build a locator. These address elements must be divided into multiple fields in the attribute table of the reference data. Common address elements and their descriptions are shown in the following table:
Element | Description |
Left house number range | A low number and a high number of the address range for the left side of the street, such as 100, 198 |
Right house number range | A low number and a high number of the address range for the right side of the street, such as 101, 199 |
Building name | The building name associated with an address. An address can have both a building name and a house number. |
Left parity | The odd, even, or mixed house number range value on the left side of the street, such as O, E, or B |
Right parity | The odd, even, or mixed house number range value on the right side of the street, such as O, E, or B |
Side | The left or right side of the street where an address resides relative to the direction of feature digitization, such as L or R |
Prefix direction | A direction that precedes the street name, such as the W in W. Redlands Blvd. |
Prefix type | A street type that precedes the street name, such as Avenue in Avenue B |
Street name | The name of the street, such as Cherry in Cherry Rd. |
Suffix type | A street type that follows the street name, such as St. in New York St. |
Suffix direction | A direction that follows the street name, such as NW in Bridge St. NW |
Unit type | A subaddress unit type that follows the street name, such as Apt. in Gilman Ave., Apt. 17 |
Unit name | A subaddress unit ID that follows the street name, such as 2C in Orange St., Suite 2C |
Level type | A floor subunit ID that follows the level type, such as 3 in Level 3 |
Level name | A floor subunit classification that follows the building name, such as Floor in Building C, Floor 3 |
Building unit | A building subunit ID that follows the building type, such as 14 in Building 14 |
Building type | A building subunit classification that follows the street name, such as Bldg. in Orchard Ct., Bldg. F |
Neighborhood | A subsection of a city or district, such as Little Italy |
City name | A city name, such as Olympia |
County | A county name, such as San Bernardino |
State | A state name or its abbreviation, such as Washington or WA |
ZIP Code | The postal codes used by the United States Postal Service, such as 98501 |
ZIP Code extension | The postal codes with an additional extension used by the United States Postal Service ZIP+4 , such as 90210-3841 |
Country | A three-character code for a country, such as USA |
Language | A three-character language code, representing the language of the address, such as ENG |
Learn more about each locator role provided with ArcGIS Pro and the requirements for reference data