Prepare BIM data for ArcGIS Indoors

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

When preparing a building information model (BIM) (stored in a .rvt or .ifc file) to import to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model, you must adhere to certain requirements and best practices for Revit and IFC data preparation.

Georeference BIM models

BIM models must be georeferenced to ensure that the building and floor plan features are positioned and scaled correctly. The following steps describe a high-level workflow to georeference BIM models:

  1. Define the projection for the model.

    It should include both a horizontal coordinate system and a vertical coordinate system.


    If the horizontal and vertical coordinate systems do not use metric units and you import 3D data to create a scene, you must project your data into a metric-based coordinate system before sharing the scene to your ArcGIS organization.

    A projection file (.prj) is saved to the same file location as the CAD file.

  2. Reposition the model, if necessary.
  3. Save the georeference.

    A world file (.wld3) is saved to the same file location as the CAD file.

Projection files (.prj) and world files (.wld3) created during the georeferencing process must be saved in the same folder as the corresponding BIM file (.rvt or .ifc) and have the same file name. Alternatively, if you have multiple models with the same coordinate system or coordinate transformation, you can create universal projection files and world files that apply to all CAD and BIM files in the folder that don't have associated coordinate files. To do so, rename the .prj file to esri_cad.prj and the .wld3 file to esri_cad.wld3.

Prepare BIM data to import to the Indoors model

You can use different tools to import BIM data to the Indoors model depending on the type of file the BIM is stored in. Revit files can be imported using the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool and .ifc files can be imported using the Import IFC To Indoor Dataset tool. Refer to the sections below for guidance on importing each file type.

Prepare Revit models

When you import BIM data from Revit models with the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool, the Indoors model is populated using the following elements and attributes from the BIM file workspace:

  • Facilities—Facilities are created from the Footprint polygon in the Floorplan dataset. The Footprint polygon is created by aggregating the Floors features from the Revit model.
  • Levels—Levels are created based on Floor elements associated with the same BldgLevel property. You can inspect the features that will be included in the Floorplan_Polygon feature class in the Floorplan dataset when you open the Revit model in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Units—Units are created based on Room elements in the Revit model. Before import, ensure that all indoor spaces are modeled as Room elements in Revit to import them as Unit features in the Indoors model. You can open the Revit model in ArcGIS Pro to inspect the features that will be included in the Floorplan_Polygon feature class in the Floorplan dataset.

    Attributes are populated in the Units layer using the following information from Rooms elements in the Revit model:

    • The Name attribute for Rooms elements in Revit is used to populate the USE_TYPE field in the Units layer.
    • The Room Number attribute for Rooms elements in Revit is used to populate the NAME field in the Units layer.
    • The associated Building Level is used to populate the LEVEL_ID field.
    • You can map additional attributes from Rooms features to the Units layer, provided the fields already exist. You can add extra fields to your indoor data for attribute mapping if needed.
  • Details—Details are created based on elements from the following Revit families: Doors, Ramps, Stairs, Stair supports, Stair Landings, Columns, Structural Columns, Walls, Windows, and Curtain Wall Panels. Elements from these families that will be imported can be inspected in the Floorplan_Polyline feature class in the Floorplan dataset.
  • 3D facilities—Multipatch features are created in the Facilities 3D layer representing the exterior of the building from the ExteriorShell feature class in the BIM file workspace. This feature is derived based on elements in the Revit model that have the Function property set to Exterior.
  • 3D units—Multipatch features are created in the Units 3D layer that represent the footprint of objects in the Revit model's Rooms category.
    • The Name field for Rooms elements in Revit is used to populate the USE_TYPE field in the Units layer.
    • The Room Number field for Rooms elements in Revit is used to populate the NAME field in the Units layer.
    • The associated Building Level is used to populate the LEVEL_ID field.
  • 3D details—Multipatch features are created in the Details 3D layer from objects in the following Revit categories: Doors, Ramps, Stairs, Stair supports, Stair Landings, Columns, Structural Columns, Walls, Windows, and Curtain Wall Panels.
    • 3D elements must be associated to a level before running the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool.
    • During import, 3D features that span across multiple floors (such as walls or curtain panels) are sliced so that there is a 3D detail feature for each level across which the feature spans.

Do the following to prepare Revit models for import:

  1. Ensure that all data for the building is stored in a single Revit model.

    Linked files are not supported for Revit files in ArcGIS Pro.

  2. Configure element attributes in the Revit file based on the fields described above.

Prepare IFC models

When you import BIM data from IFC models using the Import IFC To Indoor Dataset tool, the Indoors model is populated using the following elements and attributes from the BIM file workspace:

  • Facilities—Facilities are created by aggregating the Slabs features from the IFC model.
  • Levels—Levels are created based on Slab elements associated with the same BldgLevel property.
  • Units—Units are created based on Space elements in the IFC model. Before import, ensure that all indoor spaces are modeled as Spaces to import them as units in the Indoors model.

    Attributes are populated in the Units layer using the following information from Spaces elements in the IFC model:

    • The Name attribute for Spaces elements in the .ifc file is used to populate the USE_TYPE field in the Units layer.
    • The Room Number attribute for Spaces elements is used to populate the NAME field in the Units layer.
    • The associated Building Level is used to populate the LEVEL_ID field.
    • You can map additional attributes from Spaces features to the Units layer, provided the fields already exist. You can add extra fields to your Units layer for attribute mapping if needed.
  • Details—Details are created based on elements from the following IFC categories: Doors, Ramps, Stairs, Stair supports, Stair Landings, Columns, Structural Columns, Walls, Windows, and Curtain Wall Panels.

You must configure element attributes in the .ifc file based on the fields above to ensure that features are accurately converted during import.

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