Connectivity associations in network diagrams

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Network junction-junction connectivity associations are not visible in map views. However, when working with the templates installed by default—Basic, ExpandContainers, or CollapseContainers—the junction-junction connectivity associations are systematically represented in the generated diagrams each time that both their from and to junctions are present in this diagram.

Network portions 1 and 2 below focus on two small portions of the network, each one pointing to the network features that are going to be used as initial input to generate two different diagrams.

Network portion 1
Network portion 1 shows three network point features that are used as input for sample diagram 1 generation.
Network portion 2
Network portion 2 shows two network point content features that are used as input for sample diagram 2 generation.

Sample diagrams 1 and 2 below are based on the Basic template.

Sample diagram 1 generated from three network junctions selected in the map
Sample diagram 1 at its generation is shown.
Sample diagram 2 generated from two content network junctions selected in the map
Sample diagram 2 at its generation is shown.

Network portions 1 and 2 below show the network features that are going to be appended to each sample diagram above.

Network portion 1
Network portion 1 shows the green network point feature that is going to be appended to sample diagram 1.
Network portion 2
Network portion 2 shows the beige network point feature that is going to be appended to sample diagram 2.

The two diagrams below are sample diagrams 1 and 2 after the append diagram process completes—the green junction for sample diagram 1 and the beige one for sample diagram 2 have been appended to the diagram. Since the appended junction features are the origin or extremity for the junction-junction connectivity association, the junction-junction connectivity associations now clearly display in the diagrams. The connectivity associations are displayed below with dashed lines.

Sample diagram 1 after appending a fourth network junction in the map
Sample diagram 1 is shown after appending a new network feature.
Sample diagram 2 after appending a third network junction in the map
Sample diagram 2 is shown after appending a new network feature.

By default, junction-junction connectivity associations are represented in network diagrams through the Connectivity Associations layer.

In network diagrams based on the CollapseContainers template, where all containers are collapsed, if a junction-junction connectivity association exists between any from and to content junctions related to two different containers, this junction-junction connectivity association is represented between the collapsed containers.


When you create and configure your own template, ensure the Add Connectivity Associations Rule tool is also run during the rule sequence so the junction-junction connectivity associations are represented in the generated diagrams.

When your template configuration doesn't run any reduction rule or collapse container rule, the Add Connectivity Associations rule can be added at the end of the rule sequence; however, if you need to configure Add Reduce Junction Rule or Add Collapse Container Rule, you must process connectivity associations first using Add Connectivity Associations Rule, so the reduction or collapse operations process on a complete graph.

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