Network diagram options

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

The following network diagram options are available on the Network Diagrams tab on the Network Options dialog box to control settings when running network diagram commands.

Access the network diagram options

You can access the network diagram options from the Network Diagram tab or from the Utility Network or Trace Network contextual tabs.

To review or edit network diagram options, complete one of the following workflows:

  • On the Network Diagram tab, in the Manage or Selection group, click the Network Options dialog box launcher.
  • On the Utility Network or Trace Network tab, in the Diagram group, click the Network Options dialog box launcher.

In all cases, this opens the Network Options dialog box with the Network Diagrams tab active.


All the options specified on this tab are saved with your project and automatically reapplied each time you start a new ArcGIS Pro session with this project.

There are two sections on this tab: General and Propagation.


The General section has the following options:

  • Default diagram map background color—This control allows you to specify a color for the background of all diagram maps that open.

    The newly specified color doesn't apply to the background of the diagram maps that are already open.

  • Automatically zoom to full extent after any editing operation run on the entire diagram
    • Checked—The system zooms to the full extent of the network diagram each time a layout algorithm is applied on the entire diagram or after operations such as Update Diagram, Append To Diagram, Extend Diagram, or Overwrite Diagram.
    • Not checked—The display extent of the network diagram does not change at the end of any layout algorithm run or after operations such asUpdate Diagram, Append To Diagram, Extend Diagram, or Overwrite Diagram.
  • Open diagrams with all diagram template sublayers
    • Checked—The All Layers mode on the Manage group on the Network Diagram tab is turned on for each network diagram layer when it is loaded by default; that is, any diagram opens with all the sublayers as specified in its diagram template layer definition, whether they contain diagram features or not. This means that all sublayers set on the related diagram template are present in the Contents pane, even those not used.
    • Not checked—The All Layers mode on the Manage group on the Network Diagram tab is turned off for each network diagram layer when it is loaded by default; that is, any diagram opens with the only diagram template sublayers that contain diagram features. This means that only the required sublayers among those set on the related diagram template are present in the Contents pane.
  • Use default parameters to apply layouts
    • Checked—Any layout you choose in the layout gallery directly applies to the active diagram with its default parameters. This is the default.
    • Not checked—For any layout you apply to the active diagram, clicking its layout icon in the layout gallery opens the related geoprocessing tool in the Geoprocessing pane. Then, you can change the layout parameters before applying it.

Learn more about enabling and disabling automatic zoom to full extent when running workflows

Learn more about automatically enabling or disabling the All Layers mode at network diagram opening when running workflows

Learn more about the Use default parameters to apply layouts option when applying a layout on network diagrams


The Propagation section has the following options:

Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps

This option controls the way the Apply To Maps command on the Network Diagram tab and the Apply To Diagrams command on the Network Diagram tab and the Utility Network or Trace Network tab run.

  • When you click the Apply To Maps command on the Network Diagram tab, the active diagram selection is propagated to the network feature layers and nonspatial object tables that are referenced in other open maps. Depending on this option's setting, the propagation process runs as follows:
    • Checked—The propagation process searches for all network features and network objects associated with diagram features currently selected in the active diagram, regardless of whether those network elements are reduced or collapsed in the diagrams.
    • Not checked—The propagation process only searches for network features and network objects associated with diagram features currently selected in the diagram that are not reduced or collapsed in the diagrams; that is, it only selects network features and network objects associated with the selected diagram features that are visibly represented in the diagrams. This is the default.
  • When you click the Apply To Diagrams command on the Network Diagram tab, the active diagram selection is propagated to the other diagrams that are referenced in other open maps, and, depending on this option, the propagation process runs as follows:
    • Checked—The propagation process does not operate from reduced or collapsed features in the active diagram, and it does not apply to reduced or collapsed features in the other diagrams.
    • Not checked—The propagation process searches for diagram features associated with the same set of network features and network objects as those currently selected in the active diagram, regardless of whether those network elements are reduced or collapsed in the active diagram or in the other diagrams.
  • When you click the Apply To Diagrams command on the Utility Network or Trace Network tabs on the ribbon, the geographical map network element selection set is propagated to the diagrams that are referenced in other open maps, and, depending on this option, the propagation process runs as follows:
    • Checked—The propagation process searches for diagram features associated with both the network features and network objects currently selected in the map that are not reduced or collapsed in the diagrams; that is, it only selects diagram features associated with the selected network elements that are visibly represented in the diagrams.
    • Not checked—The propagation process searches for diagram features associated with both the network features and network objects currently selected on the map, regardless of whether those network elements are reduced or collapsed in the diagrams.

Zoom to the resulting selected features

  • Checked—Upon completion, any propagation process automatically zooms to the set of features selected in the geographic or diagram maps to which it applies.
  • Not checked—Upon completion, any propagation process does not automatically zoom to the set of features selected in the geographic or diagram maps to which it applies.

Add connectivity associations when propagating from geographic map to diagram map

  • Checked—When propagating from a geographic map to a diagram map, the process runs an extra step at the end of its run to select any connectivity association edges in addition to the from and to junctions, which are automatically selected.
  • Not checked—When propagating from a geographic map to a diagram map, the process does not add the connectivity association edges. This is the default.

Add structural attachments when propagating from geographic map to diagram map

  • Checked—When propagating from a geographic map to a diagram map, the process runs an extra step at the end of its run to select any structural attachment edges, in addition to the from and to junctions, that are automatically selected.
  • Not checked—When propagating from a geographic map to a diagram map, the process does not add the structural attachment edges. This is the default.

Select spatial container(s) when propagating edge and junction objects represented in diagram map

  • Checked—When propagating from a diagram map to a geographic map and processing diagram features associated with edge and junction objects, any spatial containers related to these network objects are also selected in the geographic map. That is, any network features that contain these network objects are also selected on the geographic map.
  • Not checked—When propagating from a diagram map to a geographic map and processing diagram features associated with edge and junction objects, the related spatial containers are not selected in the geographic map. This is the default.

Learn more about propagating selections between diagrams and maps workflows

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