Locate initial diagram features in a network map

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Use the Search for Initial Diagram Features in Network Map Search for Initial Diagram Features in Network Map command to locate the network features and objects that have been used as initial input to build the active diagram content and select them in the network map.


Locating initial diagram features in a network map can also be the first step before using the resulting selected network features and objects for the following workflows:

  • Create a diagram based on the same diagram template as the active diagram that will reflect the current status of the network. This gives you a preview of the active diagram before it's updated.
  • Create a diagram based on another diagram template to get a different schema of the same network part.

The Search for Initial Diagram Features in Network Map command is available on the Network Diagram tab on the ribbon when a diagram layer is referenced in the active map. It can apply to any map referencing the same related utility network or trace network and using the same database connection.

To locate and select initial diagram features in a network map, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that at least one map, among the maps currently open in the project, references the utility network or trace network associated with the diagram. If no map meets this requirement, do one of the following:
    • Open an existing map that references the utility network or trace network that the diagram is associated with.
    • Add the network layer the diagram comes from, including all its network source classes and object tables, to a new map.
  2. If the diagram is related to a particular data source version, switch this map data source to the same data source version.
  3. Click the diagram map tab to set this diagram as the active map.
  4. On the Network Diagram tab, click the Network Diagrams Options dialog box launcher Launcher at the lower right corner of the Selection group to open the Network Options dialog box.
  5. In the Propagation section, optionally check Zoom to the selected resulting features to automatically zoom in on the set of features selected in the network map.
  6. Close the dialog box.
  7. Click the Search for Initial Diagram Features in Network Map Search for Initial Diagram Features in Network Map drop-down arrow, and choose the network map in which the initial diagram features will be located and selected.

The network features that were used as initial input for the generation of the active diagram are retrieved and selected in the network feature layers referenced in the geographic map. The network objects that were used as initial input for the generation of the active diagram are also retrieved and selected in the object tables referenced in the geographic map.


This process only applies to feature layers that are selectable in the destination map. Verify that the map layers can be selected when no network features are selected or only part of the network features are selected.