Structural attachment associations in network diagrams

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Structural attachment associations visibility can be enabled in map views, but they are not visible by default. When working with the diagram templates installed by default (Basic, ExpandContainers, and CollapseContainers), the structural attachment associations are systematically represented in the generated diagrams each time both the related structure and attachment junctions are present in the diagram.

The sample diagram below is based on the Basic template. It was generated from a single distribution line that was selected in the map. It results in a diagram with three features: one diagram edge representing the selected line and two diagram junctions representing the from and to devices that connect the line.

A sample diagram at its generation
A sample diagram generated from one distribution line selected in the map

The image below shows the sample diagram after two poles were selected in the map and appended to the diagram. Since the selected pole structures have attachment associations with features that are represented in the diagram, structural attachment associations relating the pole structures to their attached features are now clearly displayed in the diagram.

A sample diagram after appending two pole structures
A sample diagram after appending two poles selected in the map

By default, structural attachment associations are represented in network diagrams through the Structural Attachments layer and are displayed with dashed, dark-green lines.


When you create and configure your own template, if you want to represent structural attachment associations in the generated diagrams, remember to run the Add Structural Attachments Rule geoprocessing tool during the rule sequence. Regardless of the position of this rule in the rule sequence, the diagram building process systematically runs it at the end of the rule sequence. For clarity, it is recommended that you add it at the end of the rule sequence when you are building your template model using ModelBuilder, to represent its true position during the diagram building process.

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