Event on Event

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Available with ArcGIS Pro Standard and Data Reviewer licenses.


The Event on Event check finds linear referenced events that overlay other events based on a defined relationship. Optionally, you can also find events not in the specified relationship.

Supported workflows

ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks support multiple methods for implementing automated review of data. The following table identifies the supported implementation methods for this check:

Validation attribute ruleConstraint attribute rule


(ArcGIS Pro 2.6 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 or later)



Map-based Reviewer rules are deprecated and are no longer available for use. It is recommended that you migrate automated review workflows to Data Reviewer capabilities available in attribute rules. Opening or saving a map document (.aprx file) at ArcGIS Pro 3.0 or later removes all the existing map rules from the document.


The Event on Event check identifies invalid overlay combinations involving two or more event features. It can help decide whether a location requires event coverage given other events' values.

Industry scenarios

This check can be used in the following scenarios:

  • In roadway management, event features must be compliant with highway performance monitoring system (HPMS) guidelines.
  • In roadway management, a speed limit event representing a 55 mph zone cannot overlay a local road section or an event representing the ramp section of a route.
  • In pipeline management, the protective coating must be appropriate for the material type, pressure, and diameter of the pipeline.


The following image illustrates an improper linear event placement in red that does not properly overlay the event feature in yellow:

Event on event



Route Identifier


The name of the field that contains values used to associate events to routes.


Route From Date


The name of the field that contains values that define the starting date for a route.

The field must be of a date data type.


Route To Date


The name of the field that contains values that define the ending date for a route.

The field must be a date data type.


Overlay Events


The events that are overlaid and evaluated by the rule.

Valid inputs for this rule type are polyline feature layers.


Search Goal


The query expression that is applied to overlay events.

Each event with values that match those defined in the SQL query is returned as a Reviewer result.


Invert Relationship


After the search goal is evaluated, this parameter determines whether the result should be used as is or inverted. For example, this parameter can be used to identify events that don't match the Search Goal query expression.

  • Unchecked—The result of the validation is not inverted. This is the default.
  • Checked—The result of the validation is inverted.




A unique title or name for the rule.

This information is used to support data quality requirement traceability, automated reporting, and corrective workflows.




A description of the error you define when a noncompliant feature is found.

This information is used to provide guidance for corrective workflows.




The severity of the error assigned when a noncompliant feature is found.

This value indicates the importance of the error relative to other errors. Values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.




The tag property of the rule.

This information is used in rule authoring and management workflows to support traceability and reporting of data quality requirements.



Keep the following in mind when using the check:

  • This check supports validation of events that are stored in an enterprise geodatabase and registered with the ArcGIS Roads and Highways or ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing linear referencing system (LRS).
  • Route features must be m-enabled and registered with the Roads and Highways or Pipeline Referencing LRS.
  • A route identifier field (numeric data type) is required for all route and event features.
  • An attribute index on the route identifier field speeds up the dynamic segmentation process.
  • Events associated with nonmonotonic route features are not evaluated by this check. Nonmonotonic routes are routes that contain measure values that are either continuous or do not strictly increase or decrease in value.

    The Monotonicity check is used to find nonmonotonic routes that require correction.

  • Events that do not have an associated route (orphaned events) are not evaluated by this check. Orphan events are event features that do not have a corresponding route feature (as identified by the event’s route identifier attribute value).

    The Find Orphan Events check is used to find orphaned events that require correction.

  • Events that contain invalid measure values are not evaluated by this check. Invalid event values are event measure values that are greater than, less than, or within a gap in a related route’s measure values.

    The Invalid Event Measures check is used to find events that contain invalid measure values.

  • The Validation Status attribute value of both the input data source and the events included in the Search Goal parameter are ignored during evaluation. For example, input route features with a validation status of 0 (No calculation required, no validation required, no error), 1 (No calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)),4 (Calculation required, no validation required, no error), or 5 (Calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)) are still included during rule evaluation.
  • Include the data sources for the Overlay Events parameter when sharing web layers with the Validation capability enabled.
  • The Attribute filter parameter does not support the following field types: Big Integer, Date Only, Time Only, and Timestamp Offset. If selected, the row header is marked in red and does not allow the rule to be saved.
  • Event checks are not supported in composite rule configurations.

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