Operational layers in mobile scenes

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Operational layers are overlaid on top of the basemap of a scene. Operational layers are often interactive and tell the story of a scene. They can include KML layers, feature layers, LAS dataset layers, scene layers, and raster layers. Operational layers can be visualized differently depending on the source data. Supported operational layers in a mobile scene package as well as items to consider before creating a mobile scene package are discussed below.

Feature layers

In ArcGIS Pro, feature layers can be organized in the 3D Layers or 2D layers category in the Contents pane. If a point feature layer is in the 3D Layers category, it is exported as a scene layer package when you package a mobile scene. Point feature layers in the 2D layers category are written to the SQLite database. Line or polygon feature layers in the 3D or 2D category are written to the SQLite database. Multipatch feature layers are exported to a scene layer package when you package a mobile scene.


Consider the following for data that is exported to a scene layer package:

  • ArcGIS Maps SDKs supports only absolute height elevation mode for feature layers. Review the base height for each layer on the elevation property page before creating a mobile scene package.
  • Extents are not supported in the create scene layer package tools. The Area of Interest parameter in the Create Mobile Scene Package tool is not honored when exporting to scene layer packages. Select the features you want to include in the package and make a selection layer before packaging a mobile scene. See Area of interest considerations for details.
  • Real-world units are required when sharing 3D point feature layers symbolized with 3D model markers. This functionality is available on the Display tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.
  • Custom point symbology using Arcade expressions is not supported.
  • Procedural symbol layers are not supported.

KML layers

KML layers are supported in a mobile scene package. These files are only supported in global scenes in a WGS84 horizontal coordinate system. KML layers cannot be clipped or reprojected. Ensure that no network links are present in the KML layer before packaging it in a mobile scene package.

LAS dataset layers

LAS dataset layers are supported and are exported as a point cloud scene layer package when you package a mobile scene. LAS dataset layers are projected to the scene's coordinate system. Currently, clipping of LAS datasets is not supported. Use the Extract LAS tool before running the Create Mobile Scene Package tool if clipping is required.

Default values for Point Size, XY Max Error, and Z Max Error are used when exporting to a point cloud scene layer package. If additional configurations are required, consider using the Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Package tool and adding the scene layer package to the scene before running the Create Mobile Scene Package tool.

Raster layers

Raster layers are supported as operational layers or as basemap layers when you package a mobile scene. Raster layers are clipped or reprojected to the scene's horizontal coordinate system.

Tile packages

Tile packages are supported as an operational layer or basemap layer when running the Create Mobile Scene Package tool. Because tile packages are cached datasets, they cannot be clipped or reprojected. An error may appear at tool execution indicating that the coordinate system does not match the scene coordinate system. Either re-create the tile package in the new coordinate system or update the scene coordinate system.

Vector tile packages

Vector tile packages are supported as an operational layer or basemap layer when running the Create Mobile Scene Package tool. Because vector tile packages are cached datasets, they cannot be clipped or reprojected. An error may appear at tool execution indicating that the coordinate system does not match the scene coordinate system. Either re-create the vector tile package in the new coordinate system or update the scene coordinate system.


Services are supported in mobile scene packages to support hybrid offline and online workflows in ArcGIS Maps SDKs apps. For example, when the mobile device is connected, you can access weather or traffic information in real time. The following services are supported in a mobile scene package:

ServiceSupported in mobile scene package

Scene service


Cached map service


Dynamic map service


Image service


KML service


Stream service


Vector tile service



Older ArcGIS Maps SDKs apps may not support services in a mobile scene package.

Scene layer packages

Point, 3D object, integrated mesh, and point cloud scene layer packages are supported in a mobile scene package. You can clip 3D Object, integrated mesh, and point cloud scene layer packages. You can reproject all scene layer types to WGS84 or Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere when creating a mobile scene package.


By default, the create scene layer package tools create a scene layer package in the WGS84 horizontal coordinate system and the EGM96 vertical coordinate system.

The table below lists the supported input data and notes how the output data is converted or copied in the mobile scene package. It also specifies whether the data can be reprojected to the scene's coordinate system. Datasets that cannot be reprojected are blocked as input to the Create Mobile Scene Package tool.

Source datasetDataset in mobile scene packageReprojection of dataset supported

2D point, line, or polygon feature layer

SQLite feature class


3D point feature layer

Scene layer package


Multipatch feature layer

Scene layer package


LAS dataset layer

Scene layer package


Scene layer package

Scene layer package


Raster layer

Raster dataset


Tile package

Tile package


Vector tile package

Vector tile package






SQLite table


Unsupported layers

The following layers are currently not supported in mobile scene packages:

  • Voxel layer
  • Integrated mesh modification layer
  • Graphics layer
  • Map notes layer
  • Building layer
  • Utility network layer
  • Geostatistical analyst layer