51ExportTemplate.xml structure

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Available with Aviation Charting license.

The 51ExportTemplate.xml file is an XML template that defines the structure of Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) message outputs generated by the Export AIXM 5.1 Message tool. The file also defines how the AIS schema maps individual AIXM element values and attributes.


It is recommended that you create backup copies of the outlined configuration files before editing them to avoid data loss.

There are three types of XML elements in the 51ExportTemplate:

  • AIXM elements—The basis for the AIXM exported output. These elements can contain text data, nested AIXM elements, or gml elements. They are prefixed with aixm in the template, for example, <aixm:RouteSegment>. AIS field data can be substituted into these elements using bracket {ais_field} notation.
  • gml elements—Contains geometry data from the {shape} feature attribute. These elements are prefixed with gml, for example, <gml:pos>. Gml elements are contained in AIXM elements.
  • Custom Esri elements—Elements without a prefix that can be used to customize the final AIXM output. These elements are removed from the final AIXM output.
    • AIS primary table grouping elements—The outermost elements in the template, which are used to associate AIS tables with AIXM features. For example adhp, airspace, and designatedpoint are AIS primary table grouping elements. The names of these elements must be an AIS table name. Review AIS table mapping for more information.
    • Referenced templates—Reusable pieces of XML than can be inserted into other parts of the template by placing the <referenced name=”the name of the referenced template”> element in the desired location. There are three types of referenced templates: contact, annotation, and temporality. These are distinguished by the referenced="true" attribute. The export process automatically inserts a referenced template into any place that refers to its name.
    • Nilreason configuration elements—Defines values that the exporter uses to populate specified AIXM elements that have missing source AIS data.

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