Format the obstruction identification surface and obstacles

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Available with Aviation Airports license.

Available with Aviation Charting license.

Text and symbol properties can be configured for obstruction identification surface (OIS) and obstacles shown in the Terrain and Obstacle Profile element.

Visit the ArcGIS Aviation Esri Community page to see a demonstration of how to use the Terrain and Obstacle Profile element functionality

Format OIS

Complete the following steps to configure how the OIS appears on the Terrain and Obstacle Profile element.

  1. In the Contents pane, click the new layout element titled Terrain and Obstacle Profile to format its text and symbology.

    The Format OIS view appears in the Element pane.


    Multiple OIS specifications may be listed in the Contents pane if they exist in the source OIS layer. A definition query on the OIS layer in the source map or scene can be used to limit the available specifications.

  2. Optionally, uncheck any OIS specifications that you don't want to display in the Contents pane.

    OIS used for base or optional specifications are always displayed and can't be unchecked. If the OIS is used as the base or optional specification, the Draw OIS check box is checked by default. Otherwise, this check box behaves in the same way as an OIS check box in the Contents pane.

  3. In the Contents pane, change the label that appears on the OIS within the element by changing the text in the Label text box.
  4. Customize the label text properties using the OIS Text controls for symbol, color, and size.
  5. Customize the line symbol properties using the OIS Symbol controls for symbol, color, and size.

Format obstacles

You can format the how obstacles appear on the Terrain and Obstacle Profile element. You can change the types of obstacles shown on the map element and the symbology of obstacles above and below the OIS.

Format point obstacles

Complete the following workflow to configure how point obstacles appear on the Terrain and Obstacle Profile element.


This workflow assumes that your obstacle features are point features. Polygon and line obstacle features have slightly different formatting options that are explained elsewhere in this topic.

  1. In the Contents pane, double-click a point obstacle to view and configure its text and symbology.

    The Format Obstacle view appears in the Element pane.

  2. Check the Show Penetrating check box to display only the obstacles that penetrate the OIS.

    Uncheck this box to show all obstacles that planimetrically intersect the OIS regardless of whether they penetrate the OIS. The Obstacle layer displays the path to the source feature class of the OIS layer.

  3. Check the check box next to Show only shadowing obstacles to only show obstacles which are shadowing other obstacles on the map element.

    You can configure how shadowing obstacles are calculated using the Generate OIS Obstacle Data tool.

  4. Choose the substitution symbology to use from the drop-down menu next to Substitute Symbols.
    • None—No substitution symbology will be used.
    • Penetrating—Substitution symbology will be applied to all object that are penetrating the OIS.
    • Protruding—Substitution symbology will be applied to the segment of penetrating obstacles that are above the OIS.
  5. Click the Location drop-down arrow to choose an option and set the placement of obstacle labels.
    • Surface—Obstacles are labeled along the OIS surface. This is the default.
    • Top—Obstacles are labeled at the top of the obstacle height line.
    • Base—Obstacles are labeled at the base of the obstacle height line.
  6. Set the symbology for the base of the obstacle next to Base.
  7. Set the symbology for the height of the obstacle above the surface next to Height.
  8. Choose the symbol for the height label from the drop-down list next to Symbol.
  9. Set the symbology for the text labels on the element next to Text.
  10. If you selected Penetrating or Protruding from the Substitute Symbol drop-down list, there will be additional options for the substitution symbology.
    • Substitute Base—Sets the substitute symbology for the base of obstacles.
    • Substitute Height—Sets the substitute symbology for the height of obstacles above the surface.
    • Substitute Symbol—Sets the substitute symbology for the height label.
    • Substitute Text—Sets the substitute symbology for the text labels on the element.

Format polygon and line obstacles

Complete the following workflow to configure polygon and polyline obstacle features.

  1. In the Contents pane, double-click on a polygon or polyline obstacle to view and configure its text and symbology.

    The Format Obstacle view appears in the Element pane.

  2. Check the Show Penetrating check box to display only the obstacles that penetrate the OIS.

    Uncheck this box to show all obstacles that planimetrically intersect the OIS regardless of whether they penetrate the OIS. The Obstacle layer displays the path to the source feature class of the OIS layer.

  3. Choose the substitution symbology to use from the drop-down menu next to Substitute Symbols.
    • None—No substitution symbology will be used.
    • Penetrating—Substitution symbology will be applied to all object that are penetrating the OIS.
    • Protruding—Substitution symbology will be applied to the segment of penetrating obstacles that are above the OIS.
  4. Choose an option from the drop-down list next to Ground Display:
    • Max—The maximum height of the ground profile is used as the base for these obstacles. This is the default
    • Actual—The actual, lower extent of the obstacle's shape is used as the base for these obstacles.
    • Min—The minimum height of the ground profile is used as the base for these obstacles.
    • Average—The average height between the minimum and maximum height of the ground profile is used as the base for these obstacles.
  5. Set the symbology for the obstacle next to Symbol.
  6. If you selected Penetrating or Protruding from the Substitute Symbol drop-down list, there will be an additional option for the substitution symbology.
    • Substitute Symbol—Sets the substitute symbology for the obstacles.

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