Create events using feature creation

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Available with Location Referencing license.

You can digitize an event in a feature service using the feature template for that layer in the Create Features tool Create Features. The route ID and measures are automatically populated to associate the event with the route where the feature is created. The Attributes pane appears where you can review existing event attributes and provide additional event attributes.


Click the Create Features button Create Features on the Edit tab, in the Features group, to open the Create Features pane and expand the feature template for the feature service layer.

Learn more about creating features using feature templates

If a message regarding acquiring locks or reconciling appears, conflict prevention is enabled.

When you create a point event, the route ID, measure, and date fields are populated based on the underlying route. When digitizing a line event feature, the first vertex is used to populate the From Measure, From Date, To Date, and From Route fields, and the last vertex is used to populate the To Measure and To Route fields. For spanning line event features, the from and to measures must be on routes that have the same line ID.

Learn more about creating polyline features, including event features

Location Errors

If the feature is added outside of tolerance and the route ID or measures are not detected, a location error occurs.


You can also view a complete list of location errors.

Any of the following statuses indicate a problem that must be resolved.

Location errorDescription

Different From Route And To Route Line IDs

The From route and the To route have different line IDs. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

Invalid Route Line ID

The route's line ID is invalid. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

Invalid Location Route ID

The route location's route ID is invalid (NULL, empty, or invalid value).

Invalid Location Measure

At least one of the route location's measure values is invalid.

Invalid Route ID

The route location's route ID is invalid (NULL, empty, or invalid value).

Measure Extent Out Of Route Measure Range

The route location's shape doesn't exist on the route (the route has no m-values or the route location's measures don't exist on the route).

Multiple Route Locations Found

More than one point location was found. Measures may not be unique along the routes.

Null Extent

The From measure is equal to the To measure.

Parent Event Not Found

The route location's shape was not found because the From measure and the To measure are outside the route measures.

Partial Match For The From Measure and To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The From measure and the To measure are outside the route measure range.

Partial Match For The From Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The From measure is outside the route measure range.

Partial Match For The To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The To measure is outside the route measure range.

Reversed Line Order

The From route does not have a lower line order than the To route. This is applicable to line networks.

Route Location Not Found

The route location's shape doesn't exist on the route (the route has no m-values or the route location's measures don't exist on the route).

Route Not Found

The route does not exist (this could be due to the route not existing in the network or the route and event having different time ranges that do not overlap).

Route Shape Empty

The route does not have a shape or the shape is empty.

Scenarios for adding a line event using feature creation

In the scenarios below, a line event is added using the feature template in the Create Features pane.

Add a line event

The following diagram shows the route attributes:

Before adding a line event to a nonspanning route

The following table details the route attributes. The route (Route1) has measures from 0 to 20.

Route IDFrom DateTo Date




The following diagram shows the creation of a line event. The first and last vertices intersect Route1, which results in a new line event.

Drawing the vertices for a line event

The following table details the line event:

EventRoute IDFrom DateTo DateFrom MeasureTo MeasureLocation ErrorSpeed Limit







No Error


The following diagram shows the route and the associated event after the edit:

After adding a line event to a nonspanning route resulting in no error

Add a line event resulting in a location error

The following diagram shows the route attributes. The route (Route1) has measures from 0 to 20.

Before adding a line event to a nonspanning route

The following table details the route attributes:

Route IDFrom DateTo Date




The following diagram shows the creation of a line event. Only the first vertex intersects Route1. The route ID and from measure are populated, but the to measure is <Null> because the last vertex does not intersect the route.

Drawing the vertices for a nonspanning line event

The following table details the line event:

EventRoute IDFrom DateTo DateFrom MeasureTo MeasureLocation ErrorSpeed Limit







Invalid Location Measure


Scenarios for adding a spanning event using feature creation

The scenarios below detail the results of adding a spanning line event using the feature template in the Create Features pane.

Add a spanning line event

The following diagram shows the routes:

Before adding a spanning line event to routes on a line in a line network

The following table details attributes for the routes (Route1, Route2, and Route3):

Route IDFrom DateTo Date










The following diagram shows the creation of a spanning event feature. The first vertex intersects Route1 at 5, which is resolved to the From Measure on Route1, and the third vertex intersects Route3 at 35, which is resolved to the To Measure on Route3.

Drawing the vertices for a spanning line event

The following table details the spanning event after the edit:

EventFrom Route IDTo Route IDFrom DateTo DateFrom MeasureTo MeasureLocation ErrorSpeed Limit








No Error


The following diagram shows the routes and the spanning event after the edit:

After adding a spanning line event to routes on a line in a line network resulting in no error

Add a spanning event resulting in a location error

The following diagram shows the routes before a line event is associated with it. In this case, Route1 and Route2 are on LineA, and RouteA is on LineB. Spanning events must be on the same line in a line network.

Before adding a spanning line event to routes on a line in a line network

The following table details the route attributes. Route1 and Route2 are on LineA, and RouteA is on LineB.

Route IDFrom DateTo Date










The following diagram shows the creation of a spanning event feature. The first vertex intersects Route1 at 5, which is resolved to the From Measure on Route1, and the third vertex intersects RouteA at 35, which is not resolved to the To Measure on RouteA because RouteA is on LineB.

During spanning event creation resulting in a location error because Route1 and Route3 are on a different line

The following table provides an example of the Different From-Route and To-Route Line IDs value for the Location Error field. Events spanning routes must share the same line ID.

EventFrom Route IDTo Route IDFrom DateTo DateFrom MeasureTo MeasureLocation ErrorSpeed Limit








Different From-Route and To-Route Line IDs


The following diagram shows Event1 after the error:

After editing a line event on a spanning route resulting in an error

Referent offset using feature creation

The Roads and Highways events data model supports the configuration of referent event fields and their enablement using the Enable Referent Fields tool. Once referent fields are configured and enabled in a layer, referent locations are populated and persisted in that layer when events are added or edited.

When a line event is created using feature creation, the parent LRS Network is used as the FromRefMethod and ToRefMethod values, and the associated route is used as the FromRefLocation and ToRefLocation values. The from and to measures of the line event are used as the FromRefOffset and ToRefOffset values.

If either measure of a line event is updated, the corresponding offset value updates to reflect the new measure.

The examples below demonstrate the impact of adding a line event that has referent values enabled.

Before adding a line event with referents

The following diagram shows Route1 before event creation:

Before event creation with referents

The following table provides details about the route:

Route IDFrom DateTo Date




The following table provides details about the event referent fields before event creation:








After adding a line event with referents

The following diagram shows a line event that has been added to an event layer that has referents enabled:

Before feature edits that override referents

The following table provides details about the event referent fields after event creation:








The following table provides details about the default event fields after event creation:

Event IDFrom DateTo DateFrom MeasureTo Measure






You can edit the event using the attribute table so that it uses referents other than the default . If subsequent route edits are made, the RefMethod and RefLocation values revert to the parent LRS Network and the route, respectively.