Import configuration files

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Available with Workflow Manager license.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator provides tools for administrators to import a predefined Workflow Manager (Classic) configuration. The import process will create an Administrator group, AdministratorAccess privileges, and add the current user to the group when a configuration earlier than version 10.3 is imported and the Clear Database option is selected.

Learn more about configuring users and groups

If jobs need to be imported along with the configuration, you can do so using the Import Job Data geoprocessing tool.

Complete these steps to import a predefined Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator configuration:

  1. Start Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator.
  2. Click Import/Export > Import Configuration.

    The Open dialog box appears.


    You can also right-click a database connection and click Import/Export > Import Configuration

  3. Browse to the location of the configuration file you want to import.
  4. Click Open.
  5. When the Clear database? dialog box appears, click Yes to overwrite the contents of your existing configuration with the contents of the configuration file.

    If your configuration contains map documents or extended property tables, a conflict resolution dialog box might appear and provide you with the following options to resolve the conflicts:

    • Map Documents—By default, map documents will be ignored on import.
    • Extended Property Tables—By default, extended property tables will be created if they don't exist.
  6. Confirm that you want to import.

    A confirmation message appears and indicates that the import was successful.