ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy Version
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts Namespace
This namespace provides base classes that are used to extend the application.
Class Represents a tab in the application backstage. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a button control. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a check box control. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control. This is an abstract class.
ClassRepresents a selectable item in a ComboBox.
Class Represents a list of Operation instances that are collectively applied.
Class Use a ConfigurationManager to create a custom ArcGIS Pro user experience.
Class Represents a user designed ribbon control. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a filter that is consulted before commands are executed. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents the base class for DockPanes. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a class that wants to process drag and drop operations. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a menu that is populated at run-time. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a control that can be used to display and edit strings, doubles, or integers. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents an abstract base class for a gallery ribbon control.
ClassRepresents a selectable item in a Gallery.
Class Represents the central access point for a sub-system. This is an abstract class.
Class Provides a mechanism for reading settings written to a project.
Class Provides a mechanism for writing settings to a project.
Class Represents an action, or group of actions, that can be undone and redone. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a page inside a property sheet. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a primary window within the application. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents the base class for Panes and DockPanes. This is an abstract class.
ClassRepresents the base class for most framework commands including Button and Tool. This is an abstract class.
Class A base class that implements the infrastructure for property change notification and automatically performs UI thread marshalling.
Class Represents a keyboard short-cut for a DAML command.
Class Represents a control that can be used to display and edit doubles. This is an abstract class.
Class Represents a tool control. This is an abstract class.
Class Base class for ViewModels. Implements INotifyPropertyChange.
Class Represents a page inside a wizard. This is an abstract class.
Interface Provides access to members that describe an extension.
Interface Implement this interface for a gallery item class if the gallery needs to be displayed in the gallery customization dialog.
Enumeration DockPane positions.
Enumeration The Extension's state.
See Also