ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy Version
ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork Namespace (ArcGIS.Core)
This namespace contains types used by the utility network.
Class The AssetGroup class provides information about Asset Groups within the utility network. In the core geodatabase, they are implemented as subtypes.
Class Gets information about the definition of an Asset Type.
Class Represents a connectivity (spatial and non-spatial), containment, or structural attachment association.
ClassRepresents a connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association, including a ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry representing a connection between the two rows involved in the association.
ClassThe configuration path class details the set of flow paths between Terminals for a given device configuration.
ClassThe DomainNetwork class is used to represent a domain network inside a utility network. A domain network typically represents an industry domain such as 'Electric Distribution', 'Gas', or 'Water.' DomainNetwork objects can be obtained by calling UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetworks.
Class Represents a row inside a utility network.
ClassThe NetworkAttribute class is used to represent a network attribute inside a utility network. Network attributes correspond to weights in the geometric network. NetworkAttribute objects can be obtained by calling UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttributes or UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute
ClassDescribes an assignment of a NetworkAttribute to a particular ArcGIS.Core.Data.Field of a NetworkSource.
Class Represents a network source in a utility network.
Class Represents a rule in the utility network. These define how features can be associated with each other through connectivity, containment, and attachment.
Class Represents an element of a utility network rule. Each element represents one participant in an association.
Class Represents a subnetwork (circuit, zone) in a utility network
Class Represents subnetwork controller.
ClassRepresents a mechanism to export a Subnetwork.
Class The SubnetworkManager is a class that contains a collection of subnetwork management routines.
Class Represents a single terminal on a junction feature.
ClassRepresents a configuration of Terminal objects that are assigned to zero or more AssetTypes.
ClassA value object that specifies a flow path between two Terminals.
Class Tiers demarcate a logical level within a network. E.g., in an electric distribution network, there may be Subtransmission, MediumVoltage and LowVoltage tiers.
Class Tier groups provide an extra level of organization for tiers. For example, a gas network may be divided into two tier groups - Transmission and Distribution. Each of these tier groups would contain a set of tiers specific to that group. For example, Distribution Pressure and Distribution Isolation might be tiers within the Distribution tier group.
ClassRepresents a mechanism to return Association objects in a specified TraversalDirection.
ClassRepresents a collection of Associations and the mapping between involved Elements and their field name-values from an associations traversal operation.
Class Represents a utility network.
Class Represents the schema and properties of a utility network.
Class Provides information about the current state of the utility network
ClassProvides information about the results of a call to UtilityNetwork.ValidateNetworkTopology.
Enumeration Determines the behavior that occurs when attempting to delete a feature which has containment or structural attachment associations to other features.
EnumerationSpecifies whether a particular AssetType can be a container, structure, or neither.
Enumeration Describes a type of association
Enumeration Specifies the connectivity policy for edges in the network.
Enumeration Specifies whether the contents of a container are split when the container is split.
EnumerationSpecifies the visibility of a content in a AssociationType.Containment association.
Enumeration Specifies the directionality setting of terminals on a device.
Enumeration The editing mode used when updating subnetworks.
Enumeration Specifies the data type of the network attribute.
Enumeration Specifies the type of utility network rule.
Enumeration Specifies the type of network source.
Enumeration Specifies the type of rows stored in each utility network table
Enumeration Specifies the category of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network.
EnumerationSpecifies the result of exporting a Subnetwork.
Enumeration Allowable states for subnetworks.
Enumeration Specifies a utility network system table.
Enumeration Returns the type of subnetworks suported in this domain network.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of topology that makes up a Tier definition
Enumeration The traversal direction for a Traverse Associations operation.
Enumeration Describes how subnetwork names are promulgated to associated features.
Enumeration Specifies a type of version.
See Also