ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork Namespace (ArcGIS.Core)
In This Topic
This namespace contains types used by the utility network.
| Class | Description |
| AssetGroup |
The AssetGroup class provides information about Asset Groups within the utility network. In the core geodatabase, they are implemented as subtypes.
| AssetType |
Gets information about the definition of an Asset Type.
| Association |
Represents a connectivity (spatial and non-spatial), containment, or structural attachment association.
| AssociationFeature | Represents a connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association, including a ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry representing a connection between the two rows involved in the association. |
| ConfigurationPath | The configuration path class details the set of flow paths between Terminals for a given device configuration. |
| DomainNetwork | The DomainNetwork class is used to represent a domain network inside a utility network. A domain network typically represents an industry domain such as 'Electric Distribution', 'Gas', or 'Water.' DomainNetwork objects can be obtained by calling UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetDomainNetworks. |
| Element |
Represents a row inside a utility network.
| NetworkAttribute | The NetworkAttribute class is used to represent a network attribute inside a utility network. Network attributes correspond to weights in the geometric network. NetworkAttribute objects can be obtained by calling UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttributes or UtilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute |
| NetworkAttributeAssignment | Describes an assignment of a NetworkAttribute to a particular ArcGIS.Core.Data.Field of a NetworkSource. |
| NetworkSource |
Represents a network source in a utility network.
| Rule |
Represents a rule in the utility network. These define how features can be associated with each other through connectivity, containment, and attachment.
| RuleElement |
Represents an element of a utility network rule. Each element represents one participant in an association.
| Subnetwork |
Represents a subnetwork (circuit, zone) in a utility network
| SubnetworkController |
Represents subnetwork controller.
| SubnetworkExportOptions | Represents a mechanism to export a Subnetwork. |
| SubnetworkManager |
The SubnetworkManager is a class that contains a collection of subnetwork management routines.
| Terminal |
Represents a single terminal on a junction feature.
| TerminalConfiguration | Represents a configuration of Terminal objects that are assigned to zero or more AssetTypes. |
| TerminalPath | A value object that specifies a flow path between two Terminals. |
| Tier |
Tiers demarcate a logical level within a network. E.g., in an electric distribution network, there may be Subtransmission, MediumVoltage and LowVoltage tiers.
| TierGroup |
Tier groups provide an extra level of organization for tiers.
For example, a gas network may be divided into two tier groups - Transmission and Distribution.
Each of these tier groups would contain a set of tiers specific to that group. For example, Distribution Pressure and Distribution Isolation might be tiers within the
Distribution tier group.
| TraverseAssociationsDescription | Represents a mechanism to return Association objects in a specified TraversalDirection. |
| TraverseAssociationsResult | Represents a collection of Associations and the mapping between involved Elements and their field name-values from an associations traversal operation. |
| UtilityNetwork |
Represents a utility network.
| UtilityNetworkDefinition |
Represents the schema and properties of a utility network.
| UtilityNetworkState |
Provides information about the current state of the utility network
| ValidationResult | Provides information about the results of a call to UtilityNetwork.ValidateNetworkTopology. |
See Also