ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Analyst3D Namespace / TinTriangle Class / Area Property
Example Version

Area Property (TinTriangle)
Gets the area of this TIN triangle. The area is in the units of the spatial reference of the TIN. See TinDatasetDefinition.GetSpatialReference This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public double Area {get;}
TIN Triangles
// nodes, edges of the triangle
var triNnodes = triangle.Nodes;
var triEdges = triangle.Edges;

// triangle geometry
var polygon = triangle.ToPolygon();
// triangle length
var triLength = triangle.Length;
// triangle area 
var triArea = triangle.Area;
// is the triangle "inside"
var isInsideTriangle = triangle.IsInsideDataArea;

// triangle aspect and slope  (radians)
var aspect = triangle.Aspect;
var slope = triangle.Slope;

// get centroid
var centroid = triangle.GetCentroid();

// get normal
var normal = triangle.GetNormal();

// get adjacent triangles
var adjTriangles = triangle.GetAdjacentTriangles();

// get area of triangle that falls between the z values
double minZ = 1.0;
double maxZ = 3.0;
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coords = triangle.GetPointsBetweenZs(minZ, maxZ);

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.2 or higher.
See Also