Planarize(Layer,Int64,Nullable<Double>) Method
Planarize a feature.
Edit Operation Perform a Clip, Cut, and Planarize
//Multiple operations can be performed by a single
//edit operation.
var clipCutPlanarizeFeatures = new EditOperation();
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Name = "Clip, Cut, and Planarize Features";
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, oid, clipPoly);
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Split(featureLayer, oid, cutLine);
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Planarize(featureLayer, oid);
if (!clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.IsEmpty)
//Note: An edit operation is a single transaction.
//Execute the operations (in the order they were declared)
clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.Execute(); //Execute and ExecuteAsync will return true if the operation was successful and false if not
//or use async flavor
//await clipCutPlanarizeFeatures.ExecuteAsync();
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.