ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core Namespace / Project Class / GetItems<T> Method
The ProjectItem type that is used to filter the complete list of project items

In This Topic
    GetItems<T> Method (Project)
    In This Topic
    Gets a collection of a specific type of items within the project
    public IEnumerable<T> GetItems<T>()
    where T: Item
    Public Function GetItems(Of T As Item)() As IEnumerable(Of T)

    Type Parameters

    The ProjectItem type that is used to filter the complete list of project items

    Return Value


    To return all the databases in the project, for example, provide the appropriate project item type. For example, see the GDBProjectItem class in the ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog namespace.

    If a type is not provided, all items that have been added to the current project will be returned, including the maps, layouts, toolboxes, default geodatabase, the home folder connection, and so on. A folder connection is a project item; subfolders and files accessed using a folder connection are items but are not project items because they have not been added to a project.

    Get MapProjectItems
    /// Get all the maps in a project
    IEnumerable<MapProjectItem> projectMaps = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>();
    Get FolderConnectionProjectItems
    /// Get all the folder connections in a project
    IEnumerable<FolderConnectionProjectItem> projectFolders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
    Get ServerConnectionProjectItems
    /// Get all the server connections in a project
    IEnumerable<ServerConnectionProjectItem> projectServers = Project.Current.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>();
    Get LocatorConnectionProjectItems
    /// Get all the locator connections in a project
    IEnumerable<LocatorsConnectionProjectItem> projectLocators = Project.Current.GetItems<LocatorsConnectionProjectItem>();
    Get Project Items by ProjectItem type
    /// Get all the items that can be accessed from a folder connection. The items immediately 
    /// contained by a folder, that is, the folder's children, are returned including folders
    /// and individual items that can be used in ArcGIS Pro. This method does not return all 
    /// items contained by any sub-folder that can be accessed from the folder connection.
    FolderConnectionProjectItem folderConnection = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>()
                                                        .FirstOrDefault((folder => folder.Name.Equals("Data")));
    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
      IEnumerable<Item> folderContents = folderConnection.GetItems();
    Get Folder Item Content from Project PortalItem
    var folderConnectionContent = projectfolderConnection.GetItems();
    var folder = folderConnectionContent.FirstOrDefault(folderItem => folderItem.Name.Equals("Tourist Sites"));
    var folderContents = folder.GetItems();
    Get all project items
    IEnumerable<Item> allProjectItems = Project.Current.GetItems<Item>();
    foreach (var pi in allProjectItems)
      //Do Something 
    Get all "MapProjectItems" for a project
    IEnumerable<MapProjectItem> newMapItemsContainer = project.GetItems<MapProjectItem>();
    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
      foreach (var mp in newMapItemsContainer)
        //Do Something with the map. For Example:
        Map myMap = mp.GetMap();
    Get a specific "MapProjectItem"
    MapProjectItem mapProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("EuropeMap"));
    Get all "StyleProjectItems"
    IEnumerable<StyleProjectItem> newStyleItemsContainer = null;
    newStyleItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
    foreach (var styleItem in newStyleItemsContainer)
      //Do Something with the style.
    Get a specific "StyleProjectItem"
    var container = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
    StyleProjectItem testStyle = container.FirstOrDefault(style => (style.Name == "ArcGIS 3D"));
    StyleItem cone = null;
    if (testStyle != null)
      cone = testStyle.LookupItem(StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "Cone_Volume_3");
    Get the "Favorite" StyleProjectItem
    var fav_style_item = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
      var containerStyle = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Style");
      return containerStyle.GetItems().OfType<StyleProjectItem>().First(item => item.TypeID == "personal_style");
    Get all "GDBProjectItems"
    IEnumerable<GDBProjectItem> newGDBItemsContainer = null;
    newGDBItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>();
    foreach (var GDBItem in newGDBItemsContainer)
      //Do Something with the GDB.
    Get a specific "GDBProjectItem"
    GDBProjectItem GDBProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myGDB"));
    Get all "ServerConnectionProjectItems"
    IEnumerable<ServerConnectionProjectItem> newServerConnections = null;
    newServerConnections = project.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>();
    foreach (var serverItem in newServerConnections)
      //Do Something with the server connection.
    Get a specific "ServerConnectionProjectItem"
    ServerConnectionProjectItem serverProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myServer"));
    Get all folder connections in a project
    //Gets all the folder connections in the current project
    var projectFolders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
    foreach (var FolderItem in projectFolders)
      //Do Something with the Folder connection.
    Get a specific folder connection
    //Gets a specific folder connection in the current project
    FolderConnectionProjectItem myProjectFolder = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(folderPI => folderPI.Name.Equals("myDataFolder"));
    Gets a specific "LayoutProjectItem"
    LayoutProjectItem layoutProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myLayout"));
    Get all layouts in a project
    //Gets all the layouts in the current project
    var projectLayouts = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>();
    foreach (var layoutItem in projectLayouts)
      //Do Something with the layout
    Get a specific "GeoprocessingProjectItem"
    GeoprocessingProjectItem GPProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myToolbox"));
    Get all GeoprocessingProjectItems in a project
    //Gets all the GeoprocessingProjectItem in the current project
    var GPItems = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>();
    foreach (var tbx in GPItems)
      //Do Something with the toolbox
    Search project for a specific item
    List<Item> _mxd = new List<Item>();
    //Gets all the folder connections in the current project
    var allFoldersItem = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
    if (allFoldersItem != null)
      //iterate through all the FolderConnectionProjectItems found
      foreach (var folderItem in allFoldersItem)
        //Search for mxd files in that folder connection and add it to the List<T>
        //Note:ArcGIS Pro automatically creates and dynamically updates a searchable index as you build and work with projects. 
        //Items are indexed when they are added to a project.
        //The first time a folder or database is indexed, indexing may take a while if it contains a large number of items. 
        //While the index is being created, searches will not return any results.
    Refresh the child item for a folder connection Item
    var contentItem = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().First();
    //var contentItem = ...
    //Check if the MCT is required for Refresh()
    if (contentItem.IsMainThreadRequired)
      //QueuedTask.Run must be used if item.IsMainThreadRequired
      //returns true
      QueuedTask.Run(() => contentItem.Refresh());
      //if item.IsMainThreadRequired returns false, any
      //thread can be used to invoke Refresh(), though
      //BackgroundTask is preferred.
      //Or, via BackgroundTask
      ArcGIS.Core.Threading.Tasks.BackgroundTask.Run(() =>
        contentItem.Refresh(), ArcGIS.Core.Threading.Tasks.BackgroundProgressor.None);
    Select an item in the Catalog pane
    //Get the catalog pane
    ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetCatalogPane();
    //or get the active catalog view...
    //ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetActiveCatalogWindow();
    //eg Find a toolbox in the project
    string gpName = "Interacting with Maps.tbx";
    var toolbox = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(tbx => tbx.Name == gpName);
    //Select it under Toolboxes
    projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, null);//null selects it in the first container - optionally await
                                                             //Note: Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GP") would get toolbox container...
    //assume toolbox is also under Folders container. Select it under Folders instead of Toolboxes
    var foldersContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "FolderConnection");
    //We must specify the container because Folders comes second (after Toolboxes)
    projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, foldersContainer);//optionally await
    //Find a map and select it
    var mapItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Map");
    //Map only occurs under "Maps" so the container need not be specified
    projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(mapItem, true, false, null);
    //This example deletes a layout in a project after finding it by name.
    //Added references
    using ArcGIS.Desktop.Core; 
    using ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts;
    public class DeleteLayoutExample
      public static Task<bool> DeleteLayoutAsync(string LayoutName)
        //Reference a layoutitem in a project by name
        LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(LayoutName));
        //Check for layoutItem
        if (layoutItem == null)
          return Task.FromResult<bool>(false);
        //Delete the layout from the project
        return Task.FromResult<bool>(Project.Current.RemoveItem(layoutItem));
    Reference layout project items and their associated layout
    //Reference layout project items and their associated layout.
    //A layout project item is an item that appears in the Layouts
    //folder in the Catalog pane.
    //Reference all the layout project items
    IEnumerable<LayoutProjectItem> layouts = 
    //Or reference a specific layout project item by name
    LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                               .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));
    Delete a report
    //Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
    //Reference a reportitem in a project by name
    ReportProjectItem reportItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(reportName));
    //Check for report item
    if (reportItem == null)
      return Task.FromResult<bool>(false);
    //Delete the report from the project
    return Task.FromResult<bool>(Project.Current.RemoveItem(reportItem));

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
    See Also