Output from Generate Service Areas

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive

Upon successful execution, the service returns the service areas around the facilities, the output facilities, and the status indicating the analysis was successful using the following output parameters:


It provides access to polygon features that represent areas that can be reached from the input locations with a given travel time, travel distance, or travel cost.

The Geometry at Overlaps, Geometry at Cutoff, Polygon Detail, Polygon Trim Distance, and Polygon Simplification Tolerance parameters influence the shape of the output service areas.

The following table lists the fields that are returned for output service areas. In addition to these fields, the parameter also includes all the fields from the input feature class used as facilities for the analysis when generating overlapping or nonoverlapping polygons.



The name of the service area. It is based on the name of the associated facility and the cutoffs; for example, Store1: 0.0 – 5.0 represents a service area that covers all traversable streets within five minutes of a facility named Store1.

The break values are returned without the name of the facility, for example, 0.0 – 5.0, when the Geometry at Overlaps parameter is set to Merge by Break Value.


The unique identifier of the associated facility that is automatically generated by the analysis.

Multiple facilities may be associated with one service area when the Geometry at Overlaps parameter is set to Merge by Break Value; therefore, FacilityID field values are set to null when service areas are merged.


The ObjectID value of the input facility feature used to generate the service area polygon. This field is often used to join information from the input facilities.

Multiple facilities may be associated with one service area when the Geometry at Overlaps parameter is set to Merge by Break Value; therefore, FacilityOID field values are set to null when service areas are merged.


The lower bound of the service area's impedance cutoff range. The unit for this field is based on the unit of the impedance attribute set for the analysis.

The value is in the units specified by the Break Units parameter.


The upper bound of the service area's impedance cutoff range. The value is in the same units as the FromBreak field values.


The values for this field are copied from the Breaks field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalTime field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalDistance field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalCost field on the input facilities.


This provides access to the attributes of the facilities that are used in the service area analysis. You can use the attributes from this data type, such as the Status field, to determine why a facility was not used in the analysis.

The parameter supports the following fields. In addition to these fields, the data type also includes all the fields from the input facilities used for the analysis.



The name of the facility. The values for this field are copied from the Name field on the input facilities.


The ObjectID value of the input facility feature.


The values for this field are copied from the Breaks field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalTime field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalDistance field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the AdditionalCost field on the input facilities. This field is included only when the travel mode used for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is neither time based nor distance based.


The numeric identifier of the network dataset source feature class on which the input point is located.


The ObjectID of the feature in the source on which the input point is located.


The position along the digitized direction of the source line feature. This value is stored as a ratio. This field is null if the network location references a junction.


The side of the edge in relation to the digitized direction of the line feature. This field is limited to a domain of two values: Right Side (1) and Left Side (2).


The direction a vehicle may arrive at and depart from the facility. The values for this field are copied from the CurbApproach field on the input facilities.


Indicates the status of the point with respect to its location on the network and the outcome of the analysis. The possible values are the following:

  • 0 (OK)—The point was located on the network.
  • 1 (Not Located)—The point was not located on the network and consequently was not included in the analysis.
  • 2 (Network element not located)—The network element identified by the point's network location fields can't be found. This can occur when a network element where the point should be was deleted, and the network location was not recalculated.
  • 3 (Element not traversable)—The network element that the point is located on is not traversable. This can occur when the element is restricted by a restriction attribute.
  • 4 (Invalid Field Values)—Field values fall outside a range or coded-value domain. For example, a negative number exists where positive numbers are required.
  • 5 (Not Reached)—The point can't be reached by the solver. The point may be on a separate, disconnected area of the network from the other inputs, or barriers or restrictions prevent travel to or from the point.
  • 6 (Time window violation)—The point could not be reached within the designated time windows. This status only applies to network analysis types that support time windows.
  • 7 (Not located on closest)—The closest network location to the point is not traversable because of a restriction or barrier, so the point has been located on the closest traversable network feature instead.


The x-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.


The y-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.


The z-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset. The SnapZ field is 0 if the network is two dimensional.


The distance in meters between the point's geographic location and the position where it was located on the network.


The values for this field are copied from the Bearing field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the BearingTol field on the input facilities.


The values for this field are copied from the NavLatency field on the input facilities.


Use this parameter to determine if the analysis was successful.


Use this parameter to access the results from the analysis as a .zip file containing one or more files for each output. The format of the individual file is specified by the Output Format parameter. The parameter value is not populated when the Output Format parameter is set to Feature Set.

When a file-based output format—such as JSON File or GeoJSON File—is specified, no outputs are added to the display, since the application (such as ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro) does not draw the contents of the result file. Instead, the result file is downloaded to a temporary directory on your machine. In ArcGIS Pro, the location of the downloaded file can be determined by viewing the Output Result File parameter value in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the geoprocessing history of the project. In ArcMap, the location of the file can be determined by accessing the Copy Location option in the shortcut menu of the Output Result File parameter in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the Geoprocessing Results window.


Use this parameter to access the network analysis layer file that stores the analysis settings and the inputs and outputs used for the analysis. The parameter value is populated only when the Save Output Network Analysis Layer parameter is set to True.

The file is downloaded to a temporary directory on your machine. In ArcGIS Pro, the location of the downloaded file can be determined by viewing the Output Network Analysis Layer parameter value in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the geoprocessing history of the project. In ArcMap, the location of the file can be determined by accessing the Copy Location option in the shortcut menu of the Output Network Analysis Layer parameter in the entry corresponding to the tool execution in the Geoprocessing Results window.


You cannot work directly with this file even when you open the file in an ArcGIS Desktop application such as ArcMap since its data source will not be valid. The file is meant to be sent to Esri Technical Support to diagnose the quality of results returned from the tool.