110004: A Space Time Cube must have at least 10 time slices.

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Help archive


A netCDF Space Time Cube with fewer than 10 time-step intervals was provided, or the Create Space Time Cube tool could not structure the data into 10 time-step intervals. If the Subset Space Time Cube tool was used, the resulting cube cannot have fewer than 10 time-step intervals.


If this message occurs while running the Create Space Time Cube tool, examine the time stamps for the input points and ensure that they include a range of values. If this message occurs while using a space-time cube input parameter, try re-creating the input netCDF space-time cube using the Create Space Time Cube tool.

For the Subset Space Time Cube tool, change the temporal subset method and associated parameters to ensure that the resulting subset cube has at least 10 time-step intervals.