Edit a report template

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

There are three modes for working with a report template:

  • Preview mode allows you to view all content in the template in a simplified view. You can perform basic tasks in this mode, such as adding variables and inserting, moving, or removing items in the template. You can also move, split, and remove sections of the template.
  • Sample values mode is the same as preview mode, but with sample data populating the template variables. This mode shows you how your report may look when it is run.
  • Edit mode allows you to edit the template's tables and cells. You can insert additional items, edit section options and table properties, and use styling and calculation options.

Modify page options

Use page options to modify the report template's page size, orientation, and margins.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Edit.
  2. Click Page options.
  3. In the Page options window, adjust the page size, orientation, and margins of the report template.
  4. Click Apply.

    The page changes are applied to the template.

Modify section options

Use section options to add or remove separator lines and titles for report sections.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Edit.
  2. Hover over a section and click Section options in the margin beside it.
  3. Check or uncheck the check boxes to add or remove lines and the title for the section.

    When a box is checked, modification options are enabled. Changes are made to the template immediately.

  4. Click Close Close to close the Section options window.

Edit table properties

Information in report sections is formatted in tables. This structure is used for all items in a report except for floating images. Use table properties to modify the number of rows and columns in a section and to change the table format.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Edit.
  2. Hover over a section and click Table properties in the margin beside it.

    Table properties for the page header and footer differ slightly from other sections. For the header and footer, the Table properties window allows you to adjust the position of these sections.

  3. In the Table properties window, use the Table type drop-down menu to select General data or Multi-feature table.

    General data tables display data for a single site. Multifeature tables display data for multiple sites, such as ring buffers around a point location.

  4. Use the row and column fields to specify the size of the table. Check the Scale to fit width of section and Scale to fit height of section check boxes to specify the width and height of the table relative to the section. Use the Position fields to specify the position of the table. For multifeature tables, the following options are also available:
    • Use the Fixed columns field to add columns for the variable name or description.
    • Use the Dynamic columns field to specify how many columns are assigned to each feature in the table. Each feature has the same number of dynamic columns.
    • Use the Feature count field to specify how many features the table contains.
  5. Click Apply.

    The table properties are applied to the table.

Edit cells

You can customize individual cells in a report template by styling them; specifying calculation options; and adding variables, charts, and tables.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Edit.
  2. Click a cell to select it or press Ctrl or Shift and click to select multiple cells.

    The Settings button Settings appears.

  3. Click Settings Settings.
  4. Use the following options, when available, to edit the selected cell:
    • Use the Style cell tab to format the cell's text, layout, tooltips, and borders. You can specify the display format for cells that contain data values.
    • Use the Add variable tab to create a custom variable or add a saved variable to the table. Click Add dynamic field to insert dynamic text, such as site name or description.
    • Use the Calculate totals tab to add a row or column summing or averaging the selected variable values.
    • Use the Calculate column tab to add a new column displaying an additional calculation for a selected data value. The available options depend on the selected variable.
    • Use the Create chart tab to add a bar, line, or pie chart.
    • Use the Modify table tab to copy, paste, or clear cell contents, style, or format. You can also insert and delete rows and specify row and column size.

    The template automatically updates to show your changes.

  5. Click Close Close to close the window.

Replace missing variables in report templates

When data is updated, some variables may be marked Missing in your report templates. You must manually edit a report template to replace or remove missing variables.

  1. In the report builder, on the Select reports tab, expand the My reports section.
  2. To edit a report template, hover over it and click Edit Edit.

    The report template opens in preview mode. Variables that are missing from the current data source are marked Missing.

  3. Click Edit Edit.

    The report template opens in edit mode.

  4. To replace a missing variable, do the following:
    1. On the Select variables tab, click on a variable, and drag and drop it over the missing variable.
    2. Alternatively, click on a cell marked Missing, to select it.

      The Settings button Settings appears.

    3. Click Settings Settings.
    4. On the Add variable tab, build a custom variable or add a saved variable, to replace the missing variable.
  5. To remove missing variables, do the following:
    1. Click on a cell marked Missing to select it, or press Ctrl or Shift and click to select multiple cells.

      The Settings button Settings appears.

    2. Click Settings Settings.
    3. On the Style cell tab, click Clear selected cells to remove the missing variables.
  6. When you are finished updating variables in the report, click Save.