Field names in Spatial Analyst

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

When working with attribute tables, restrictions apply to field names you can use. These restrictions include the characters used in the name, the length of the name, and the words used in the name. The restrictions may vary by format. Follow the guidelines below to avoid invalid field names.

Name restrictions based on characters

In general, start field names with a letter, not a number or a special character. To avoid problems with the English character set, limit the first character of the field name to only letters of the alphabet (a to z and A to Z). After the first letter, you can use numbers (0 to 9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

The following special characters (among others) are not valid:

+   *   /   !   ^   %
(   )   [   ]   {   }
,   ~   '   "   :   ;
>   <   &   |   \   =
@   #   $

Name restrictions based on length

The maximum length depends on the format of the table. Field names are limited to 64 characters for file geodatabases, 16 characters for INFO databases, and 10 characters for dBASE files.

For other table data formats, review the documentation for the particular format you are using to determine length restrictions.

Name restrictions based on words

The following keywords are not valid to use as a fieldname:

AND      BEGIN    BREAK    BRK      CAND     COR      CXOR
DIFF     DIV      DO       DOCELL   EQ       ELSE     END
ENDIF    GE       GT       IF       IN       LE       LT
MAXOF    MINOF    MOD      NE       NOT      OFF      ON
OR       OVER     THEN     WHILE    XOR

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