Update BIM floor plans

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Pro or ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

After data is imported to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model, you may need to periodically update your indoor dataset with updated Autodesk Revit or .ifc files for scenarios such as adding a new building, a new floor in an existing building, or remodeling an existing floor. The Import BIM To Indoor Dataset and Import IFC to Indoor Dataset tools are designed for use in branch version scenarios.


Before updating indoor data, it is recommended that you create a backup of the geodatabase and enable editor tracking. If you maintain the data using a branch versioned feature service, it is recommended that you load updated data to a new version before merging to the default version.

Update floor plans from Revit

You can run the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool to update the existing indoor data from updated Revit files.

Process updated Revit files

To update existing indoor data from updated Revit files using the Import BIM to Indoor Dataset tool, the target unit, detail, levels, and facility features must all be from the same workspace. The workspace can be a file geodatabase, an enterprise geodatabase, or a feature service.

When you run this tool to update existing indoor data, the following occurs:

  • For facilities features, the tool performs a case-sensitive comparison of the specified Facility ID and Facility Name parameter values with the FACILITY_ID and NAME field values of existing facilities in the indoor data. If a facility with a matching ID and name is found, the existing facility is updated. The tool then searches for matching levels in the facility by comparing level names in the existing indoor data with level names in the source Revit file, resulting in one of the following updates:

    • If matching levels are found in the Indoors workspace, the levels, units, and details features associated with those levels are updated.
    • If you include values for the Target Unit 3D Features and Target Details 3D Features parameters, 3D units and details features associated with those levels are deleted and reimported. If you include a value for Target Facility 3D Features, the associated 3D facility feature is deleted and reimported.
    • If no matching levels features are found, the tool imports and adds selected floors and their associated features from the BIM file as new levels, units, and details features.

    You can choose which levels to update using the Floors To Import parameter. If this parameter is populated, only the chosen floors are updated. If no floors are chosen, all floors from the Revit file are imported and updated.

  • If the Facility ID and Facility Name parameter values do not match an existing facility feature in the indoor dataset, features from the source Revit file are imported as a part of a new facility with the specified ID and name.

With the exception of attribute fields that are automatically updated (such as AREA_GROSS), existing attribute field values are preserved. You can overwrite attribute fields using the Output Fields list in the Room Properties Mapping parameter to map them to source fields.

When importing Revit data for a new facility, if the new facility's footprint intersects or overlaps the footprint of an existing facility feature, the tool stops running and generates an error report of the conflict. This helps avoid accidentally importing conflicting floor plan data to the indoors workspace. In some cases, you may want to allow the import to proceed if a new facility has a footprint that intersects or overlaps the footprint of an existing facility feature. To do this, check the Allow insert of new overlapping facility check box and run the tool. This setting is unchecked by default.


If Revit design options are used for updates to existing floor plans (for example, during a remodel), the internal IDs of Revit elements may change. If the IDs change, the Import BIM to Indoor Dataset tool deletes and re-adds the corresponding units and details features instead of modifying the existing features. If this happens, you may need to repopulate business data (such as occupancy, reservations, or custom attributes) for the affected features.

Update floor plans

To update floor plans with Revit files, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in to the ArcGIS organization licensed for ArcGIS Indoors if necessary.
  3. Open a new or existing project.
  4. Add the Floorplan_Polygon layer from the updated Revit file to the map or scene.
  5. Optionally, create a backup copy of the Indoors model.

    If you are not using branch versioned data, creating a backup copy allows you to inspect the updated data without losing the production version of the data. If you are using branch versioned data, consider creating a version to load the updated data to and inspecting it before merging to the default version.

  6. Run the Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool.

    If you are adding or updating features for an existing facility, the new or updated features must be imported from the same Revit file used to create that facility.

    The Units, Details, Levels, and Facilities layers in the indoor dataset are updated with features from the input Revit model. Features are deleted and reimported for the associated facility from the Units 3D, Details 3D, and Facilities 3D layers if 3D parameters are configured in the tool.

  7. Inspect the Indoors workspace for new and updated features.

Update floor plans from IFC

You can run the Import IFC to Indoor Dataset tool to update the existing indoor data from updated .ifc files.

Process updated .ifc files

To update existing indoor data from updated .ifc files using this tool, the target units, details, levels, and facilities features must all be from the same workspace. The workspace can be a file geodatabase, an enterprise geodatabase, or a feature service.

When you run the Import IFC to Indoor Dataset tool, the following occurs:

  • For facilities features, the tool performs a case-sensitive comparison of the specified Facility Name parameter values with the NAME field values of existing Facilities features in the indoor data. If a facilities feature with a matching name is found, the existing feature is updated. The tool then searches for matching levels features in the facility by comparing level names in the existing indoor data with level names in the source .ifc file, resulting in one of the following updates:
    • If matching levels features are found in the Indoors workspace, those levels features are updated. Units features on matched levels are updated if their geometry or mapped attributes are different in the .ifc file than in the indoor data. Details features on matched levels are deleted and reimported.
    • If you include values for the Target Unit 3D Features and Target Details 3D Features parameters, 3D units and details features associated with those levels are deleted and reimported. If you include a value for Target Facility 3D Features, the associated 3D facility feature is deleted and reimported.
    • If no matching levels features are found, the tool imports and adds selected floors and their associated features from the BIM file as new levels, units, and details features.

    You can optionally run the Extract BIM File Floorplan tool with your updated .ifc file as input and use the resulting extracted Floorplan layers as input to the Import IFC To Indoor Dataset tool. Keep the following in mind if you provide extracted Floorplan layers as input during a facility update:

    • If the input extracted Floorplan layers include only a subset of features from the .ifc file, only those features will be updated in the Indoors workspace.
    • If there are any definition queries or layer selections on the extracted Floorplan layers, those selections are honored by the Import IFC To Indoor Dataset tool and only the selected features are updated. If the extracted Floorplan layers include a selection, no units in the Indoors workspace are deleted and you must manually delete them to remove them from the floor plan.

    Details features are deleted and re-imported each time a different subset of the Floorplan polyline layer is selected during an update. This may cause details features in the Indoors workspace to disappear depending on your subset selection during the update process.

  • If the Facility Name parameter value does not match an existing facilities feature in the Indoors workspace, features from the source .ifc file are imported as a part of a new facilities feature with the specified name. Existing attribute field values from the Facilities layer are appended to the new facilities feature, with the exception of attribute fields that are automatically updated, such as AREA_GROSS. You can optionally overwrite attribute fields using the Output Fields list under the Unit Properties Mapping parameter.

Update floor plans

To update floor plans with .ifc files, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in to the ArcGIS organization licensed for ArcGIS Indoors if necessary.
  3. Open a new or existing project.
  4. Optionally, create a backup copy of the Indoors workspace or switch to a new version if your Indoors workspace is a branch versioned feature service.

    If you are not using branch versioned data, you can create a backup copy of the data to inspect updated data without losing your current version of the data. If you do not have editor tracking enabled, enabling it on the Indoors workspace can be helpful for inspecting and managing changes. If you are using branch versioned data, you can load data into a new version to inspect the updated data before merging to the default version.

  5. Optionally, run the Extract BIM File Floorplan tool for the .ifc file if you want to update a subset of the floor plans for the building.
  6. Run the Import IFC to Indoor Dataset tool.

    The Units, Levels, and Facilities layers in the Indoors workspace are updated with features from the input .ifc file or Floorplan layers for the selected facility. Features in the details layer and any 3D layers from the selected facility are deleted and re-imported.

  7. Inspect the Indoors workspace for new and updated features.