Exporting to netCDF data from a table

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

You can export a table to a netCDF file. A field from the table can be exported as either a netCDF variable or a dimension. Usually, the fields storing unique identifiers, such as IDs of rainfall stations or values identifying different events such as a date of a time series, are exported as dimensions. However, fields storing measurement values, such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and so on, are exported as variables. When no field is specified as dimension, the default dimension RecordID is created for exporting fields in a variable. RecordID represents the OID or rowID of a record.

The Table to NetCDF tool always creates a new netCDF file or overwrites an existing one. It does not append to an existing netCDF file.

  1. Click the Analysis tab.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Type Table to NetCDF in the text box.
  4. Click Table to NetCDF in the results list to open the tool.
  5. Type the name in the Input Table text box, or click the browse button to navigate to the input table.
  6. Click the Fields to Variables drop-down arrow, check one or more fields from the list, then click Add.
  7. Type the variable name in Variable for the added field, or alternatively, leave the default.
  8. Type the units in Units for the added field, or alternatively, leave it empty.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for additional fields if there are any added in step 6.
  10. Type the name in the Output netCDF file text box, or leave the default.
  11. Click the Fields to Dimensions drop-down arrow, check one or more fields from the list, then click Add. The field (or fields) added will be the dimension (or dimensions) of variables specified in the Fields to Variables parameter.
  12. Type the dimension name in Dimension for the added field, or alternatively, leave the default.
  13. Type the units in Units for the added field, or alternatively, leave it empty.
  14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for additional fields if there are any added in step 11.
  15. Click Run.

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