Run a named trace configuration

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Named trace configurations created in a utility network can be consumed in ArcGIS Pro through the Trace geoprocessing tool or by using the Named Configurations tab in the Trace pane. The use of named trace configurations in ArcGIS Pro simplifies the user experience associated with tracing and provides consistency through the reuse of common traces in an organization.


  • The input trace network must be version 2 or later.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the input trace network must be from a trace network service.

Run a named trace configuration using the Trace tool

Follow these steps to load and run a named trace configuration using the Trace tool:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and choose Trace.
  3. For Input Trace Network, specify a trace network.
  4. For Use Trace Configuration, check the check box to specify a named trace configuration.

    Checking the Use Trace Configuration check box displays the Trace Configuration Name parameter and hides all other parameters except Starting Points and Barriers.

  5. For Trace Configuration Name, choose a named trace configuration from the list provided.

    When working with an enterprise geodatabase, you can also supply the global ID for a named trace configuration from the traceConfigurations resource in the REST API.

    When a named trace configuration using the aggregated geometry result type option is chosen, additional optional parameters are displayed to configure the output: Clear All Previous Trace Results, Trace Name, Aggregated Points, and Aggregated Lines.

  6. Click Run.

Run a named trace configuration in the Trace pane

Follow these steps to access and run a named trace configuration in the Trace pane:

  1. On the Trace Network tab, in the Tools group, click Trace to open the Trace pane.
  2. In the Trace pane, confirm that the Named Configurations tab is active.

    You can set the active tab in the pane to Starting Points Starting Points or Barriers Set Barriers if you need to set trace locations.

  3. Choose a named trace configuration from the list in the pane.

    Hover over an item in the list to review the description of the named trace configuration in the ToolTip. You can click Refresh to update the list when changing the active map, or adding or deleting a named trace configuration.

    When a named trace configuration using the aggregated geometry result type option is chosen, additional optional parameters are displayed to configure the output: Clear All Previous Trace Results, Trace Name, Aggregated Points, and Aggregated Lines.

  4. Click Run.

A trace operation is run using the chosen named trace configuration. Traces that are run on the Named Configurations tab bypass geoprocessing and do not log geoprocessing history.